Lukas Hegner
Lukas joined SusTec in March 2023 for his semester project. The subject of the study is the intersection of energy modelling and energy crises. The semester project encompassed a systematic literature review of the topic. Future research will aim to provide an overview of how various energy crises influence the applicability & output of different types of models. With this information, strengths and weaknesses of models as well as possible gaps in research are to be identified.
While studying for his master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Lucas did his thesis at ETH focused on energy system modelling. He is interested in gaining a holistic understanding of the energy transition and really looking forward to new insights at SusTec. Outside of ETH he has worked on thermal energy storage, direct air capture of CO2 and market mechanisms for local electricity markets.
In his free time he enjoys being outside either cycling, running or hiking.