Dr. Annegret Stephan
Annegret Stephan is a senior researcher in the Group for Sustainability and Technology. Her research centers on technological innovation for a clean energy system with an economic and innovation system perspective. More specifically, she aims to understand how innovation processes unfold—for individual technologies, but also when different sectors and value chains become intertwined. Empirically, she has focused on electricity storage technologies, specifically on mobile and stationary batteries, as well as on the coupling between the electricity and other sectors such as transportation. Annegret’s research has a quantitative focus (e.g., techno-economic modelling, patent data analyses), but she also applies qualitative approaches (e.g., interviews).
Annegret received her PhD from ETH Zurich in 2016, which she already conducted in the Group. As part of her studies, she spent two months at the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) at University College London (UCL). Annegret holds a degree in Business Engineering (Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.) from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany). During her studies, she spent one semester at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS, Australia), worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Operations Research (IOR) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and received scholarships from the German National Academic Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Annegret gained practical experience through several internships such as at McKinsey & Company, Deutsche Lufthansa and Metzler Investment GmbH. She enjoys spending time with her family, and likes doing outdoor sports (hiking, mountain biking, skiing/ski-touring) and handicrafts (sewing).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Gschwendtner, C., Knoeri, C., Stephan, A., (2023). “The impact of plug-in behavior on the spatial–temporal flexibility of electric vehicle charging load”, Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 88, external page https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2022.104263
- Gschwendtner, C., Sinsel, S.R., Stephan, A. (2021): “Vehicle-to-X (V2X) implementation: An overview of predominate trial configurations and technical, social and regulatory challenges” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 145, Download doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2021.110977
- Stephan, A., Diaz Anadon, L., Hoffmann, V.H. (2021): “How has external knowledge contributed to lithium-ion batteries for the energy transition?” iScience, 24 (1), 101995. Download doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101995
- Stephan, A., Bening, C.R., Schmidt, T.S., Schwarz, M., Hoffmann, V.H. (2019): "The role of inter-sectoral knowledge spillovers in technological innovations: The case of lithium-ion batteries" Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 148, 119718. Download doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2019.119718
- Sinsel, S., Yan, X., Stephan, A. (2019): „ Building resilient renewable power generation portfolios: The impact of diversification on investors’ risk and return.” Applied Energy, 254, 113348. Download doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113348
- Stephan, A., Schmidt, T.S., Bening, C.R., Hoffmann, V.H. (2017): „ The sectoral configuration of technological innovation systems: Patterns of knowledge development and diffusion in the lithium-ion battery technology in Japan.” Research Policy, 46, 709-723. Download doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2017.01.009
- Malhotra, A., Battke, B., Beuse, M.D., Stephan, A., Schmidt, T.S. (2016): “Use cases for stationary battery technologies: A review of the literature and existing projects.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 56, 2016, 705-721, Download doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.11.085
- Stephan, A., Battke, B., Beuse, M.D., Clausdeinken, J.H., Schmidt, T.S. (2016): "Limiting the public cost of stationary battery deployment by combining applications.” Nature Energy. Download doi: 10.1038/NENERGY.2016.79