Prof. Dr. Johannes Meuer

Johannes Meuer is Associate Professor for Sustainability Strategy and Operations at Kühne Logistics University (Download KLU) and Co-director of KLU’s Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains (Download CSLS). He also serves as the president of the Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (Download GRONEN), an international network of researchers concerned with the role of companies in the environment and society.
His research focuses on understanding the tensions that corporate decision-makers face when taking sustainability decisions, and relatedly, how firms effectively integrate sustainability into their strategy and business operations. He has studied these questions in various settings and industries (e.g., energy, plastics, automotive supply chains, food retail). Johannes has also been at the forefront of developing new methodological approaches for studying configurational phenomena based on set-theoretic analytics such as fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).
He is affiliated with several institutes and centers such as the Group for Sustainability and Technology (Download SusTec) at ETH Zurich, the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (Download ERIM) at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, and the Faculty of Management at the University of Download Warsaw. He has published his research in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Operations Management, Organization & Environment, Research Policy, and Organizational Research Methods.
Johannes actively integrates insights from both academia and practice in his research, teaching, and professional service activities. He conducts translational research together with industry partners, using in-depth case studies, action and participatory research approaches. Johannes has developed innovative teaching approaches that center around translating relevant industry experience into the foundational concept of corporate sustainability.
He has received a number of honors and awards for his research, teaching, and commitment to professional service, including grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Federal Government (Energy Department), the German Science Foundation, and the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS). He received Best Paper Awards from the Academy of Management’s Organization and Management Theory (OMT) and the Human Resource (HR) Division as well as a best reviewer award from the Organization and the Natural Environment and the “Above and Beyond the Call of Duty” Award of the OMT Division. Johannes has also been awarded the “Golden Owl 2020” Award at ETH Zurich for providing exceptional education. Several of his courses have received awards for innovation in teaching. For his teaching cases, he received the ecch Case Awards for the Best Case in Category Strategy and General Management and the AESE Case Writing Competition.
Prior to joining the KLU faculty, Johannes was a senior researcher at ETH Zurich. Prior to completing his PhD, he spent time at USC Marshall Business School in Los Angeles, and the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai. Johannes has earned an MSc in International Economics from Corvinus University Budapest; a PhD degree from the
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University; and a habilitation (Venia Legendi) from ETH Zurich.
Johannes’ profile on Download ResearchGate, Download Google Scholar, and Download LinkedIn.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Arellano Caro, M., Meuer, J., Netland, T: "Commitment follows beliefs: A configurational perspective on operations managers’ commitment to practice adoption." Journal of Operations Management. Download doi: org/10.1002/joom.1130
- Shepard, D., Ellersiek, A., Meuer, J., Rupietta, C., Mayne, R., & Cairney, P. (2020): "Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Approach in new political contexts: Consolidation, configuration, and new findings." Governance. Download doi: 10.1111/gove.12521
- Meuer, J., Fiss, P. (2020): "Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in Business and Management Research" in: M. Hitt (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. New York: Oxford University Press. (accepted for publication)
- Meuer, J., Lamaro, F., & Vetterli, N. (2020). Embedding energy optimization in organizations: A case study of a Swiss decentralized renewable energy system. Energy and Buildings, Download doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110710
- Meuer, J., Koelbel, J., Hoffmann, V.H. (2019): "On the Nature of Corporate Sustainability." Organisation & Environment, 1-23. Download doi: 10.1177/1086026619850180
- Meuer, J., Tröster, C., Angstmann, M., Backes-Gellner, U., & Pull, K. (2019). Embeddedness and the repatriation intention of assigned and self-initiated expatriates. European Management Journal, 37(6): 784-793. Download doi:10.1016/j.emj.2019.03.002
- Meuer, J., Rupietta, C. (2017): "Integrating QCA and HLM for Multilevel Research on Organizational Configurations." Organizational Research Methods, 20(2): 324-342. Download doi:10.1177/1094428116665465
- Meuer, J. (2017): "Exploring the Complementarities Within High‐Performance Work Systems: A Set‐Theoretic Analysis of UK Firms." Human Resource Management, 56(4): 651-672. Download doi:10.1002/hrm.21793
- Meuer, J., Rupietta, C. (2017): "A review of integrated QCA and statistical analyses." Quality & Quantity, 51(5): 2063-2083. Download doi:10.1007/s11135-016-0397-z
- Balakrishnan, D., Haney, A. B., & Meuer, J. (2016): "What a MES (s)! A bibliometric analysis of the evolution of research on multi-energy systems." Electrical Engineering, 98(4): 369-374. Download doi:10.1007/s00202-016-0427-9
- Meuer, J., Rupietta, C., & Backes-Gellner, U. (2015): "Layers of co-existing innovation systems." Research Policy, 44(4): 888-910. Download doi:10.1016/j.respol.2015.01.013
- Meuer, J. (2014): "Archetypes of inter-firm relations in the implementation of management innovation." Organization Studies, 25(1): 121-145. Download doi:10.1177/0170840613495339
Professional Service
- Download COMPASSS, Advisory Board Member
- Download European Management Journal, Member of the editorial board
- Download GRONEN, Network Coordinator
- Download International QCA Workshop Series, Lead organizer
Ad hoc Reviewer
Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Organization Studies, Corporate Governance, Organization & Environment, Human Relations, European Management Review, European Management Journal, Technovation, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Management and Organization Review
- Teaching videos on Corporate Sustainability, ETH Zurich Foundation & Emil Halter Foundation (2020) with Volker Hoffmann
- EnergieSuisse Project Grant “Business models for digital building technologies” (2019) with Malte Toetzke
- MTEC Foundation Research Grant “Strategizing Contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals” (2019) with Amanda Williams
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) project “Unpacking pathways to Corporate Sustainability” (2018-2021)
- SCCER Future Energy Efficient Buildings & District (2015-2021)
- MTEC Foundation, Organizational Innovations for Technological Development: Case Studies on Energy Efficient Building Technologies (2015)
- Several grants for workshop and conference organization (SNSF, Society for the Advancement of Management Studies, German Science Foundation)
Policy Reports, Evaluations, and Case Studies
- Meuer, J., Toetzke, M., Windeck, O., & Nakhle, C. (2020) A Report on Digital Trends in the Building Industry. ETH Zurich, Zurich.
- Shephard, D., Ellersiek, A., Meuer, J., Rupietta, C. (2018) Influencing Policy and Civic Space – A meta-review of Oxfam’s policy influencing, citizen voice & good governance Effectiveness Reviews
- Meuer, J., Ellersiek, A., Rupietta, C., Caves, K. (2016) Final Report for the Stichting Child Savings International (Aflatoun Secretariat, Evaluation of the Aflateen Youth Social and Financial Education Program, Zurich and Berlin.
- Meuer, J., Ellersiek, A., Rupietta, C., Caves, K. (2015) Interim Evaluation of the Aflateen Youth Social and Financial Education Program. Commissioned report for the Aflatoun Foundation Child Savings International, Amsterdam.
- Schüller, M., Meuer, J., Schüler-Zhou, Y. (2012) China’s OFDI Footprint in Europe - Investment Patterns, Drivers and Implications; Commissioned Research Report for the DG Enterprise and Industry.
- Meuer, J., DiVito, L., and Krug, B. (2010) Li Ning’s Grand Entrance? The Global Emergence of Chinese Brands. RSM Case Study. ECCH Clearing House.