Remo Diethelm
Remo wrote his Master’s Thesis in Environmental Systems and Policy at SusTec between 2019 and 2020, in partnership with LafargeHolcim. In his thesis he assessed the implications of a carbon price to the Swiss cement sector and its low carbon innovation potential.
Remo holds a BSc in Environmental Sciences from ETH Zurich. During his studies he gained professional experience as an energy consulting intern in the building sector at Amstein+Walthert. Before starting his master’s thesis, he worked as an Intern in Climate and Energy for the Sustainable Development of LafargeHolcim and developed the passion for the decarbonization of the industry.
The weekends, Remo likes to spend outdoors, either in the forests on the bike or on local waters in rowing boats. As president of Seeclub Stansstad he currently looks forward to additional hands-on experience with building materials, while refurbishing the club’s boathouse.