Fabien Richard
Fabien Richard conducted his master's thesis at Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Chair of Sustainability and Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich in 2012. In his master thesis, as part of a project the SusTec team is working with public and private partners, he investigates the incremental cost and the carbon emission offsets from the electricity generated from renewables in order to model the financing of a feed-in tariff in Thailand. A combination between a renewable energy surcharge and carbon market-based instruments will be considered as well as different feed-in tariff designs.
Fabien holds a B.A. in Economics, magna cum laude, from Columbia University (USA) and is now completing a M.Sc. in Environmental Change and Management with a concentration in energy resource assessment and energy policy at the University of Oxford (UK).
Beside his studies, Fabien gained work experience at the EDF Group in Paris and as a consultant for a boutique investment bank in Geneva. Furthermore, when studying at Columbia, he worked as a research assistant for Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky, who is the author of the carbon market of the Kyoto Protocol.