Gabrielle Every

Gabrielle was a master’s student in the Energy Science and Technology program here at ETH. She studied the technical, political, and economic aspects of the energy transition throughout the past two years and was motivated to incorporate these many perspectives during her thesis work and beyond. In August she had finished a six month internship with Exnaton AG, an ETH spinoff that develops software to enable energy-sharing communities, where she worked in a product management role on developing new features to encourage and track optimal energy use within communities.
For her thesis, she investigated social factors and indicators other than cost and emissions that are relevant for making decisions about urban energy systems, with the goal of incorporating these factors into urban energy system optimization models.
Outside of school and work Gabrielle loves to spend time outdoors. She is a runner, enjoys hiking and camping in the mountains, and loves to garden when she can. During the cold months she is happy cooking with friends and working on some crochet projects.