
What influences the deployment of mechanical and chemical plastic recycling technologies?

How real are carbon credit emission reductions?

The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC5) failed to deliver a global treaty to end plastic pollution – Ricarda Fieber on site.

Circular Building Unconference – Building Circular Realities

New SusTec publication: Look before you leap: Are increased recycling efforts accelerating microplastic pollution?

SusTec welcomes Tatjana Zurbriggen as an intern!

SusTec at STEPS towards sustainable plastics conference, Lund

The age of the agent: Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez wins Ambizione fellowship to develop agent-based models for energy systems

SusTec's Ricarda Fieber participates in Open-ended Expert Group Meeting in Thailand

SusTec welcomes Hareesh Singanallur Poovalagan as a project assistant!

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