Johannes Wüllenweber


Johannes worked on his master thesis at SusTec from March 2021 until September 2021, in which he researched the cost reduction drivers of renewable hydrogen production.

Johannes was a MSc student in Energy Science and Technology and passionate about the sustainable transformation of the energy system. Having previously worked as a student assistant at sus.lab during the first two semesters of his Master’s degree, he’s glad to be back at SusTec! Prior to his Master’s degree, he has completed an internship at SYSTEMIQ, where he worked on a project about hydrogen-powered aviation. Furthermore, he’s a co-founder of rootlinks, a Zurich-based student initiative that enables students to work on sustainability challenges posed by companies and the municipality. Johannes holds Bachelor degrees in Engineering Science and Physics from the Technical University of Munich. On the weekends, he loves to explore the mountains with skis, hiking boots, or by bike.  

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