Rhea Riemke
Rhea Riemke joined the Group for Sustainability and Technology in January 2016. In her master’s thesis, she focused on the characteristics and the development of challenges for the integration of intermittent renewable energies into the electricity system.
Rhea holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from ETH Zurich and is currently enrolled in the MSc program Energy Science and Technology at ETH Zurich. During her studies, she spent one semester at University of Toronto, and took part in summer schools on energy and sustainability related topics in Switzerland and Japan. Furthermore, she participated in the European Climate-KIC Master Programme which aims at stimulating entrepreneurial thinking in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Prior to joining SusTec, Rhea has been working as a project assistant in the Project and Quality Management Department of Pöyry, an international consulting and engineering company. Her work experience also includes student assistant positions at the Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management (D-BAUG), and at the Group for Information Management (D-MTEC) at ETH Zurich.