Sebastian Mayer

Sebastian Mayer joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s chair of Sustainability and Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich in August 2013. In his master thesis, he investigated consumer preferences and drivers for the purchase, installation and use of energy efficiency technologies in buildings by conducting a survey using preference measurement methodologies.
Sebastian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical and Process Engineering from Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) and is now studying towards the Master of Science. During his studies, Sebastian spent two academic semesters at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), writing his bachelor thesis and one academic semester at the Sino-German College for Graduate Study at Tongji University in Shanghai (China).
Prior to joining the SusTec, Sebastian was part of the Technik Student scholarship program of Lufthansa Technik AG in Frankfurt. He worked for Lufthansa Technik as an intern in innovation management in Frankfurt and in lean management at Lufthansa Technik Shenzhen (China). During his time abroad he received scholarships from German Academic Exchange Service for China and the USA.