Dr. Erik Jentges

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Erik Jentges was the MTEC Educational Developer and worked on the redesign of the SusTec flagship lecture “Corporate Sustainability”. He is at home in the Download Teaching Innovations Lab. Before joining ETH, he was director of the Continuing Education Program of the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ) at University of Zurich and worked as an independent strategy consultant for the Cantonal Integration Office Zurich. From 2009 to 2012 he was a Postdoc at NCCR Democracy and Senior Research and Teaching Associate at the chair of “Media & Politics” at the University of Zurich. He has also been a trainer for political simulations with Planpolitik in Berlin. Erik completed his PhD in sociology in 2009 at Humboldt University Berlin and holds a diploma in social sciences following studies at Humboldt University Berlin and ENS de Cachan in Paris. His own research focused on social theory, relational sociology, and political dynamics. In the past, Erik worked for more than ten years with several non-governmental organizations on intercultural youth exchanges and adult education across Europe. He is an alumni of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington DC, where he conducted research on the dynamics of charismatic leadership, for which he received a scholarship from the Europa-Institut Zürich in 2014-15.

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