Gabriela Vojtova
Weinbergstrasse 56/58
Room WEV J 429
CH-8092 Zurich
Gabriela is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Management, Technology, and Economics (MTEC) at ETH. She hold’s a bachelor’s degree in Computational and Systems Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), with a concentration in Neurosystems.
For her master’s thesis, Gabriela will evaluate the economic performance of producing plastic recyclates for high-end applications (electronics) by conducting a techno-economic assessment of different plastic recyclate production pathways. Prior to starting her master’s thesis, she gained practical experience in process optimization in the energy industry via a management consulting internship and an internship at sus.lab, where she worked primarily on biodiversity, regenerative agriculture, and recycled PET-related projects.
In her free time, Gabriela enjoys cooking, going to the movies, and exploring the Swiss mountains.