Circular Economy Policy

(Image Source: Hans Ripa, Unsplash)
Policies and regulations play a key role in directing and accelerating the circular economy transition. Often these policies must balance different objectives, such as promoting the use of recycled content and ensuring product and chemical safety.
At SusTec, we focus on the policy landscape governing plastics and investigate how policies affect the circularity of firms and different sectors.
Key activities:
- Assessing the policy and regulatory landscape surrounding the use of recycled plastic content in the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector, aiming to highlight how well policies and regulations are aligned with each other to promote plastic recycling and circularity in the electronics sector
- Conducting a techno-economic assessment and scenario analysis of plastic recycling routes to investigate how policy design can impact the costs of plastic recycling and the uptake of recycled plastic content
- Performing an analysis of the policy and regulatory landscape governing both ‘conventional’ and innovative recycling processes, such as mechanical and chemical recycling. Our objective is to assess the extent of technological neutrality within the legislative framework at both the EU and national levels, as well as to evaluate the influence of policy instruments on technological advancements in plastic recycling.
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