Welcome to Nicholas Eyring
Nicholas joined SusTec for his master's thesis in Management, Technology, and Economics (M.Sc.).
SusTec welcomes Mustafa Bayansalduz
Mustafa joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology for his Master thesis.
EGOS Sub-theme proposal on “Untangling the Complexity of Grand Challenges” accepted for EGOS 2020 in Hamburg
Together with Bart Cambré (Antwerp University) and Peer Fiss (University of Southern California) Johannes from SusTec is organizing a sub-theme on theories and methods for sustainability at the EGOS 2020 in Hamburg.
SusTec is offering a Master Thesis
Going climate positive - What would it take for a large corporate?
New article published in Business & Society
An article by SusTec member Amanda Williams which calls for a systemic perspective of organizational resilience and exams managerial approaches to palm oil production was recently published in “Business & Society”.
SusTec is welcoming Laura Beyeler
Laura started her Master’s thesis on Circular Economy Policies.
Sus.lab developed a sustainability strategy with the Schweizer Salinen based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Developing a sustainability masterplan for the future sustainability pioneer in the Salt industry is a great challenge. Schweizer Salinen decided to collaborate with sus.lab at SusTec to tackle this challenge.
Innovative and Industrial Construction (Thu, 7 March)
SusTec invites you to a research seminar with Prof. Dr. Daniel Hall.