SusTec News
Running around in Circles? Uncovering Barriers in Scaling Circular Business Models

A new study highlights the barriers and how to overcome them regarding the value creation, delivery and capture of circular business models.
New SusTec publication: Analyzing policy mixes for the circular plastics economy

Our new study, published in “Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,” examines how the EU policy landscape contributes to increased plastics recycling and use of recycled content in the electronics sector. We highlight three key barriers that hinder the mix from substantially driving the circular plastics transition.
Research, market and societal trends of sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations

A new review article uncovers the state-of-the-art and future avenues for research on experiments and demonstrations of sustainable energy technologies.
SusTec welcomes Mara Moos as an intern!

Mara joined the group in March 2025 as an intern at the Sustainability in Business Lab (sus.lab).
Investigating policy and regulatory tools to improve the profitability of V2G in Switzerland

Our new paper assesses the business case of small-scale electric vehicle-to-grid (V2G) aggregators in Switzerland.
Understanding the Decline of Technologies to Accelerate Sustainability Transitions

Our new study, published in Research Policy, introduces the concept of "decline functions" for analyzing how technology innovation systems decline. It illustrates its usefulness by investigating the decline of four energy technologies: incandescent light bulbs, oil-based heating, nuclear power, and ICE cars.
SusTec welcomes Paula Baumann as a PhD student!

Paula joined the group in February 2025 as a PhD student at SusTec.
What influences the deployment of mechanical and chemical plastic recycling technologies?

Our new study, published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, reveals how technical trade-offs and value chain configurations shape the deployment of mechanical, solvent-based, and chemical recycling technologies in the European automotive sector.
How real are carbon credit emission reductions?

Our new study published in Nature Communications conducted the largest systematic assessment of carbon credit quality to date and found that less than 16% of studied carbon credits represent real emission reductions.
The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC5) failed to deliver a global treaty to end plastic pollution – Ricarda Fieber on site.

Our PhD candidate Ricarda attended INC-5 in Busan, Korea, where countries aimed to finalize a global plastics treaty. While UN member states failed to reach an agreement, unity amongst those member states favoring an ambitious framework offers hope for future negotiations.
Circular Building Unconference – Building Circular Realities

The third and biggest Circular Building UnConference 2024 so far was a great success! On the 24th of October, the third edition took place at the Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich and welcomed almost 200 participants to exchange innovative and collaborative approaches to make circularity a reality.
New SusTec publication: Look before you leap: Are increased recycling efforts accelerating microplastic pollution?

This paper examines how increasing recycled content in plastics, while addressing sustainability goals, can inadvertently amplify microplastic pollution due to material degradation during production, use, and recycling. By proposing a risk assessment framework and analyzing cases like textiles and wood–plastic composites, the study highlights critical areas for policy intervention and sets a research agenda to guide informed decision-making.
SusTec welcomes Tatjana Zurbriggen as an intern!

Tatjana joined the group in October 2024 as an intern at the Sustainability in Business Lab (sus.lab).
SusTec at STEPS towards sustainable plastics conference, Lund

SusTec Phd Candidates Alberto Arcà and David Pfeffer presented their research at the STEPS Towards Sustainable plastics conference in Lund 7-9th of September.
The age of the agent: Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez wins Ambizione fellowship to develop agent-based models for energy systems

Our senior researcher, Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez, has secured an Ambizione fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Over the next four years, Alejandro will lead a team in developing a modelling framework capable of simulating policies for net-zero emission technologies from a new perspective.
SusTec's Ricarda Fieber participates in Open-ended Expert Group Meeting in Thailand

Our PhD candidate Ricarda Fieber was nominated to participate in the Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Group Meeting for the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations at the United Nations Conventions Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.
SusTec welcomes Hareesh Singanallur Poovalagan as a project assistant!

Hareesh joined the group in September 2024 as a project assistant at the Sustainability in Business Lab (sus.lab).
SusTec welcomes Dr. Jenni Kaipainen as a senior researcher!

Jenni joined the group in August 2024 as a senior researcher at SusTec.
SusTec’s Alejandro Nuñez Jimenez Participates at Economists’ Workshop in Sicily

Senior Researcher Alejandro Nuñez Jimenez presented his latest work at a gathering of applied economists in Sicily and took part in an expert roundtable on climate change and rural development.
SusTec welcomes Emily Lennon as a project manager!

Emily joined the group in August 2024 as a project manager at the Sustainability in Business Lab (sus.lab).
SusTec PhD candidate David Pfeffer joins PhD Honours Program AMBassadors for sustaInable transition (AMBITION)

PhD candidate David Pfeffer joins a PhD honours program to promote sustainable development and research across Europe and Africa. The program includes summer schools and collaborative teaching projects aimed at high-school students.
SusTec PhD student Alberto Arcà speaks at Pint of Science festival

We are proud to share that Alberto Arcà was selected to speak about his research at the Pint of Science festival.
SusTec PhD candidate Ricarda Fieber to join Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty

Our PhD candidate Ricarda Fieber has joined the Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty and will attend the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiation Committee (INC-4) in Ottawa.
Launch of phase II of NCCR Catalysis

The launch of phase II of the NCCR (National Competence Center of Research) Catalysis was celebrated at the Paul-Klee-Zentrum in Bern. We are happy to join phase II to accelerate the efforts towards safe and sustainable chemistry in circular value chains.
New article on how to change the public perception of sustainable innovations – the case of Tesla

New article by Lucas Miehé and his colleagues Maximilian Palmié, Johanna Mair, and Joakim Wincent. It explores how Tesla leveraged product design strategies and reputational politics to induce favorable customer evaluations of electric vehicles.
Innosuisse Flagship Launched to Transform Swiss Construction Industry

The Innosuisse Flagship SWIRCULAR (Circular Construction Digital Ecosystem) was officially kicked-off at the ETH Dozentenfoyer. Dr. Catharina Bening led discussions with the work package collaborators on value creation models for digital circular construction technologies.
SusTec welcomes James Kneebone as a PhD student!

James Kneebone joined the group in March 2024 as a PhD candidate focused on clean hydrogen and industrial policy.
Collaborative Pathways to Circularity: 2023 Circular Building UnConference Recap

The second Circular Building UnConference 2023 was a great success! On the 26th of October, the second edition of the Circular Building UnConference took place at Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich and welcomed more than 130 people to exchange innovative and collaborative approaches to transform the building industry towards circularity.
SusTec is a key partner in the Innosuisse Flagship on digital and circular construction

SWIRCULAR, a five-year Flagship supported by Innosuisse, focuses on accelerating the use and interlinkage of digitalization and circular economy in the Swiss construction sector. SusTec will co-lead a work package together with the Berner Fachhochschule.
SusTec dives into a new format with its first teaching case study.

SusTec’s flagship award-winning lecture on Corporate Sustainability is now more accessible than ever thanks to the first teaching case study published by the group’s team on the Case Center.
SusTec at the NZZ Real Estate Days

SusTec's Senior Researcher Dr. Christof Knoeri addressed the topic of real estate decarbonization and Scope 3 emissions during his presentation at the NZZ Real Estate Days Masterclass held in Davos.
Celebrating the Success of ETH Week: Circular Realities

SusTec had the priviledge of organizing this year's ETH Week on Circular Realities with PB Labs.
New article on optimal decarbonization strategies for existing districts

Integrated energy system planning at the district level can contribute towards the sustainable transformation of the building sector by unlocking solutions beyond individual buildings. The new paper by Alicia Lerbinger, Evan Petkov, George Mavromatidis and Christof Knoeri investigates optimal decarbonization pathways for existing districts, considering investments in both, energy systems and retrofits.
New article on the role of energy storage to decarbonize the German electricity system

The new paper by Paula Thimet and Georgios Mavromatidis introduces the MANGOelec optimization model and investigates the optimal mix of energy storage technologies to decarbonize the German electricity system.
SusTec welcomes Niklas Stolz as a PhD Student!

Niklas joined the group in August and will focus on corporate transitions towards net zero.
SusTec at the International Sustainability Conference, Utrecht

This August a group of SusTec members presented their research at the International Sustainability Conference in Utrecht.
SusTec Welcomes Dr. Barbara Dankwa-Egli as New Teaching Coordinator!

Barbara will support SusTec's "Corporate Sustainability" course from August 2023 onwards
Dr. Siobhan Powell awarded ETH Postdoc Fellowship

We congratulate Dr. Siobhan Powell for successfully winning an ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship, which she will use to pursue her research on policies for large-scale grid integration of electric vehicles.
Voluntary carbon offsets often fail to deliver what they promise

Malte Toetzke calls for more ambitious standards in the voluntary carbon offset market. While this would lead to fewer projects getting funded, the benefit for the climate would be greater overall.
SusTec is content partner for ETH Week: Circular Realities

SusTec is pleased to curate this year’s ETH Week topic, exploring the concept of a circular economy.
SusTec welcomes Aliénor von Roten as new project manager at sus.lab

Aliénor von Roten joined SusTec in July 2023 to work at sus.lab focusing on carbon removal projects and collaborating closely with the Carbon Removal Accelerator “remove”.
New article on an integrated environmental-economic circular economy assessment applied to the case of expanded polystyrene

Assessments that integrate different sustainability dimensions are lacking yet necessary to facilitate the implementation of Circular Economy (CE). The new paper by Anna Kulakovskaya, Maja Wiprächtiger, Christof Knoeri and Catharina Bening suggests a novel approach that evaluates and integrates the environmental and economic dimensions of CE at the value-chain level.
New article on the effectiveness of building retrofits under a subsidy scheme

Increasing the speed and depth of retrofits is essential to decarbonize the building sector. The new paper by SusTec's Dianne Hondeborg, Benedict Probst, Ivalin Petkov, and Christof Knoeri presents the effectiveness of retrofits under a Swiss subsidy scheme in canton St. Gallen.
SusTec welcomes Denise Reike as new researcher

Denise will conduct research on the transition to a sustainable circular economy.
SusTec welcomes Dr. Miriam Ries as project management officer

Miriam will help drive strategic projects within SusTec.
Research project on climate finance gets awarded the HSG Impact Award and gets recognized as one of 10 outstanding global AI solutions by the UNESCO

We congratulate SusTec’s Malte Toetzke, Florian Egli (Energy Policy Group, ETH) and Anna Stünzi (Institute of Political Sciences, HSG) on the awards.
New article on decarbonization strategies for real estate portfolios considering retrofitting investments and policy conditions

90% of the European existing building stock is expected to still be standing by 2050, making it vital to cost-effectively decarbonize it. The new paper by Ivalin Petkov, Alicia Lerbinger, Georgios Mavromatidis, Christof Knoeri, and Volker Hoffmann presents a new approach for navigating the large decision-space of when to do which retrofitting project (what), on which building (where), and how that impacts economic and environmental performance in future conditions.
New article published on the dynamics of inter-organizational collaboration along the value chain in the transition to a circular economy

Based on a 1-year research project with a European industry consortium that spans the entire value chain of flexible packaging, this paper provides unique insights into the inter-organizational process among firms as they collaboratively make sense of changes required – to transform the value chain from linear to circular, and to align on a common pathway to achieve the required change.
Nature Energy article wins the American Energy Society’s Best Paper Award 2022 for a general audience

We congratulate our SusTec colleague Benedict Probst and his co-authors on the award.
New article on Energy Policy shows how community solar policy can increase PV adoption in cities

Cities account for over two-thirds of global primary energy consumption and a similar share of CO2 emissions. A new paper by SusTec Senior Research, Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez, with Prakhar Mehta (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität) and Danielle Griego (ETH Zurich) shows how community solar policy can accelerate PV adoption in cities to address climate change and reduce local air pollution.
New practitioner article provides recommendations for businesses and industry for successful circular economy transformations

In their new publication, sus.lab and Circularity show how a circular economy transformation can succeed. They analyze why the transformation is often difficult for companies, share recommendations to overcome these challenges, and portray real-life examples.
New letter on Science argues for more support for climate policy researchers

SusTec Senior Researcher, Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez, co-authors a letter on Science about the unique challenges young climate policy scientists face in academia and how to overcome them.
SusTec welcomes Ricarda Fieber as new project manager at sus.lab@SusTec

Ricarda joins sus.lab as a project manager, primarily working on circular economy projects, focusing specifically on packaging and food waste.
New article on behavioral aspects of the spatial–temporal flexibility of electric vehicle charging

Christine Gschwendtner, Christof Knoeri and Annegret Stephan apply an innovative approach by explicitly dividing charging behavior into the plug-in behavior and the charging process.
Dr. Jochen Markard highly cited researcher – again!

We congratulate our colleague Dr. Jochen Markard who once more made it to the worldwide list of "highly cited researchers".
New article exploring complementor strategies for innovation ecosystems

A new study by Lucas Miehé, Maximilian Palmié (University of St. Gallen), and Pejvak Oghazi (Södertörn University) shows how complementors can integrate themselves into existing ecosystems.
SusTec welcomes Alessio Walter as new MSc Student

Alessio joined SusTec as a master student in October 2022 to write his thesis on the Swiss construction ecosystem.
The first Circular Building UnConference 2022 was a great success!

On the 27th of October the Circular Building UnConference took place at Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich and welcomed more than 120 people to exchange about the future of the building industry, and how we can all contribute.
SusTec kicks off project on co-designing policy-mixes and energy systems for decarbonization

A three-year project, titled “Co-designing optimal policy mixes and energy systems for decarbonization”, has been approved for funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
How will Artificial Intelligence transform the development sector and how can organizations best adopt such technologies to target sustainable development more effectively?

In an opinion piece for the World Economic Forum's Agenda, Malte Toetzke and Stefan Feuerriegel discuss potential ways forward and outline strategies for leveraging the potential of AI in the development sector.
New article examining technology-push and demand-pull policies in the solar photovoltaic industry in Germany published in Research Policy.

A new study by Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez, Christof Knoeri, Prof. Joern Hoppmann, and Prof. Volker H. Hoffmann shows that a narrow focus on innovation and deployment can compromise industry and job creation.
New article on a consistent and replicable estimation of bilateral climate finance published in Nature Climate Change

A new study by Malte Toetzke, Anna Stünzi, and Florian Egli analyzes trends and patterns of climate finance from over 2.7 million projects using machine learning.
SusTec welcomes Anja Rusch as new MSc Student

Anja has started her Master project on ocean plastics at SusTec.
New paper in "Circular Economy and Sustainability" titled “Measuring the Economic Impacts of a Circular Economy: an Evaluation of Indicators”

In this new paper Anna Kulakovskaya, Christof Knoeri, Franz Radke, and Nicola Blum evaluated the performance of meso (value-chain level) economic circular economy indicators.
SusTec welcomes Siobhan Powell as new Senior Researcher

Siobhan joins the SusTec Group as Senior Researcher, her research will focus on energy systems.
SusTec welcomes Hauke Luetkehaus as new visiting PhD Student

Hauke's research interests lie in the field of sustainability transitions. In his dissertation, he examines the role of policy mixes for entrepreneurial innovation and market dissemination activities to derive implications for improving existing policies and for the design of business strategies.
Report on decarbonizing the Swiss Cement Industry published by sus.lab

An analysis of decarbonization technologies, pathways, barriers and policy options by ETH sus.lab shows that Net Zero is feasible for the Swiss cement industry.
SusTec welcomes Lisa Mangertseder as new visiting MSc Student

Lisa joined SusTec as a visiting master student in September 2022 to write her thesis. Her research focuses on the question of how to mobilize funding from private investors for technology-based carbon dioxide removal solutions.
SusTec welcomes David Pfeffer as new PhD candidate

At SusTec David will be working on the EU Horizon project INCREACE (INCreasing REcycled content in Added value products for a resilient and digitized Circular Economy)
SusTec welcomes Martynas Bagdonas as new project manager at sus.lab

Martynas will primarily be working on Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) projects.
SusTec welcomes Mikel Liu as new MSc Student

Mikel's master thesis will focus on modelling the Swiss energy system allowing the analysis of different policy mixes and their contribution towards the decarbonization of the energy system.
SusTec welcomes Maximilian Elsen as visiting PhD student

Max is joining SusTec as a visiting PhD student for six weeks, primarily working on researching the sustainability value of firm-level patent portfolios.
SusTec welcomes Lucas Miehé as Senior Researcher

In his research, Lucas focuses on business opportunities and innovation strategies at the firm level during the energy transition.
SusTec welcomes Jesvy Kalapurayil as new MSc Student

Jesvy's research will analyze the impact of different emission accounting schemes on optimal building retrofitting
SusTec welcomes Lisa Lambert as new project manager at sus.lab

Lisa joins sus.lab at the Group for Sustainability and Technology as a project manager, primarily working on the CBI Circular Building Industry Innovation Booster
SusTec welcomes Sophie Führer as new project manager at sus.lab

Sophie joins sus.lab at the Group for Sustainability and Technology as project manager primarily focusing on circular economy projects, focusing specifically on circularity in the building industry.
SusTec welcomes Alberto Arca' as new PhD candidate

Alberto joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology in May 2022 as a PhD candidate on plastics recycling and circular economy.
Two SusTec Lectures featured at ETH’s Innovations in Teaching and Learning Fair

This year, lecturers from ETH Zurich showcased about 40 courses with outstanding didactics at the Innovation in Teaching and Learning Fair. This year, two courses from SusTec were featured.
SusTec welcomes Amartya Mukherjee as new MSc Student

Amartya’s thesis, in collaboration with AFRY, will focus on understanding the green ammonia economy in emerging nations in context of the energy transition.
New article published in “Nature Sustainability” on enabling a global monitoring of development aid with machine learning

In a new articles, Malte Toetzke from SusTec together with Nicolas Banholzer at ETH Zurich and Stefan Feuerriegel from LMU Munich have developed a machine learning framework that categorizes millions of development projects and thereby enables a granular and comprehensive monitoring of global development aid.
SusTec welcomes Oliver Gross as new MSc Student

Oliver joined SusTec as a master student in April 2022 to write his thesis. In his research, he will analyse the barriers to implementation of negative emission technologies using the technology innovation systems (TIS) approach.
New paper in "Applied Energy" on optimal building retrofits considering energy demand and supply

The SusTec team comprising Evan Petkov, George Mavromatidis, Christof Knoeri, and Professor Volker Hoffmann, collaborating with James Allan from the Empa Urban Energy Systems Lab, developed a new methodology for the investment planning of existing building retrofits.
Review of model-based electricity system transition scenarios: An analysis for Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy”, Thimet and Mavromatidis, 2022

The scenario-based investigation of the electricity system transition in different European countries clearly indicates solar and wind power to be the backbone of the transition. Still, a majority of the scenarios use current or outdated political climate targets and, hence, fail to provide insights on how to fully decarbonize the countries’ power sector.
New article by Sebastian Kahlert and Catharina R. Bening published in Resource, Conservation and Recycling

Scientific analysis and media coverage of rampant plastic pollution has taken a toll on the material's reputation in recent years, fueling talk of a “plastic crisis”. Brand owners have made ambitious pledges to overcome this crisis—but can voluntary commitments turn the tide?
SusTec welcomes Pip Stam as new MSc Student

Pip joined SusTec as a master student in 2022 to write her thesis. In her research, she will compare three sustainable packaging solutions for convenience/to-go food products on environmental, social and economic parameters.
SusTec welcomes Sebastian Porras Aparicio as new MSc Student

Sebastian’s thesis, in collaboration with Hitachi Energy, will focus on studying the impact of climate change and extreme weather events on the European electricity system using capacity expansion models.
SusTec welcomes Alicia Lerbinger as new PhD candidate

Alicia's research focuses on techno-economic modelling and optimization of multi-energy systems to determine decarbonization strategies for existing infrastructure.
SusTec welcomes David Gut as new working student at sus.lab

David has joined the SusTec team as a working student, while he is finishing his ETH MSc in Energy Science and Technology.
SusTec welcomes Oliver Akeret as new project manager at sus.lab

Oliver Akeret joined SusTec in January 2022 to work at sus.lab primarily on decarbonization projects, focusing on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in “hard-to-decarbonize” sectors such as waste-to-energy and cement.
SusTec welcomes Arnau Aliana as new PhD candidate

Arnau Aliana joined SusTec in January 2021 as a PhD candidate, focusing on finding optimal policy-making decisions through energy system modelling optimization.
SusTec student Johannes Wüllenweber receives SAEE Student Award 2021 for his Master Thesis

The prestigious Student Award of the Swiss Association for Energy Economics (SAEE) is granted once a year to the best theses and research papers on energy economics and policy.
New paper in "Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability" on real estate decarbonization

The SusTec team of Evan Petkov, Christof Knoeri, and Professor Volker Hoffmann tackled the critical issue of existing building renovations (more technically – energy retrofits) from the perspectives of some of the largest real estate owners in Europe, industry players, and policymakers.
SusTec welcomes Anna Guenat as new project manager at sus.lab

Anna Guenat joined SusTec in December 2021 to work at sus.lab primarily on circular economy projects, focusing specifically on the reduction of packaging impact in retail.
New paper in Nature Energy on global trends in the invention and diffusion of climate change mitigation technologies

Achieving ambitious climate goals requires the development of new technologies at rapid pace.
SusTec welcomes Gian Luca Gehwolf as new MSc Student

Gian Luca joined SusTec in November 2021 to write his master thesis with Paula Thimet and Dr. Georgios Mavromatidis where a market analysis for battery storage systems in decarbonized electricity systems is performed.
New article on plastics recycling in developing countries published in the Journal of Cleaner Production

The article titled "The true cost of solving the plastic waste challenge in developing countries: The case of Ghana" was authored by Catharina R. Bening and Sebastian Kahlert and together with Edward Asiedu from University of Ghana Business School.
SusTec welcomes Martí Martínez de Morentin Cardoner as new MSc Student

Martí’s thesis will focus on methods to uncover near-optimal solutions from energy system optimization models and will be supervised by Georgios Mavromatidis.
New paper in EIST on the German Coal Phase-Out

Phasing out coal is key for a swift reduction of CO2 emissions. In this paper, we study the public debate on the future of coal with discourse network analysis.
SusTec welcomes Gudrun Thorsdottir as new MSc Student

Gudrun’s thesis will focus on optimizing PET recycling and will be supervised by Catharina Bening and Georgios Mavromatidis.
Carbon Removal ClimAccelerator launches officially

Together with a number of partners, sus.lab has launched the Carbon Removal ClimAccelerator – an accelerator program solely dedicated to supporting European teams working on carbon removal!
SusTec welcomes Katharina Wildgruber as new MSc Student

Katharina will be writing her master thesis with Annegret Stephan and Johannes Meuer on cross-sectoral collaboration for green hydrogen.
SusTec welcomes Emily Elsner as new Affiliate

SusTec is happy to welcome Emily Elsner who will support us in the re-design of the Corporate Sustainability course from 1 July 2021 onwards.
New article on Vehicle-to-X (V2X) implementation and its challenges

How could bidirectional charging – enabling power flows from electric vehicles to, e.g., grids and buildings – support the electricity system? A new scientific article by Christine Gschwendtner, Simon Sinsel, and Annegret Stephan provides an overview of V2X implementations as well as evaluations of technical, social, and regulatory challenges.
SusTec welcomes Alicia Lerbinger as new MSc Student

Alicia Lerbinger started to work on her thesis in April 2021 under the PACE REFITS project where she will investigate how to find the best heating solution for existing districts based on their different characteristics and regulatory conditions.
"From "Scientific Activist" to "Activist Scientist" - Amanda and Johannes organize All-Academy PDW to bring Managers back into Management Research

Together with Katrin Heuchler and Sara Soderstrom (University of Michigan), Amanda Williams and Johannes Meuer will host a Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Management Meeting 2021 that aims at establishing rigorous methods for engaging closely with managers in management research.
Christof Knoeri discusses decentral renewable energy systems

Together with representatives form policy and industry, SusTec senior researcher Dr. Christof Knoeri presents an outlook on decentralised energy systems in the future at the energy & environment forum of usic - the Swiss Association of Consulting Engineers.
SusTec receives Innovedum Grant to revamp core course on Corporate Sustainability

SusTec has been awarded an Innovedum grant to apply innovative didactical concepts to its core lecture on Corporate Sustainability.
SusTec welcomes Anita Ni as new MSc Student

Anita started to work on her thesis in March 2021 where she will be comparing single-use packaging with multi-use packaging in collaboration with a Swiss retailer.
SusTec welcomes Sophie Führer as new MSc Student

Sophie joined Sustec in February 2021 to conduct her thesis on the transition of the furniture industry from a linear to a circular economy.
SusTec welcomes Johannes Wüllenweber as new MSc Student

Johannes started working on his master thesis in March 2021, in which he will be researching the cost reduction drivers of renewable hydrogen production.
New article by researchers from SusTec accepted for publication in Energy & Buildings

New article by Johannes Meuer, Francesco Lamaro and Nadège Vetterli on «Embedding energy optimization in organizations: A case study of a Swiss decentralized renewable energy system” accepted for publication in Energy & Buildings.
SusTec welcomes Gabriella Takács as new MSc Student

Gabriella joins Sustec in February 2021 to conduct her thesis on the introduction of sustainable products to global markets in collaboration with Dow Chemical.
Giacomo Melegati receives ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis

Giacomo Melegati received this year’s ETH Medal 2020 for his Master thesis “Cyber-Physical Platforms: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Case Study” that he wrote together with Stefano Coiro, Global Head of Customer Operations for e-City at Enel X, and Johannes Meuer (SusTec).
New paper in Journal of Operations Management

Together with Prof. Maricela Arellano (now at HEC Montréal) and Prof. Netland (ETH, Production and Operations Management), Johannes Meuer publishes a new paper “Commitment follows beliefs: A configurational perspective on operations managers' commitment to practice adoption” in one of the field’s flagship journals.
New article by researchers from SusTec and the University of Cambridge on external knowledge in lithium-ion battery innovations published in iScience

In their research article “How has external knowledge contributed to lithium-ion batteries for the energy transition?”, Annegret Stephan (SusTec), Laura Diaz Anadon (C-EENRG, University of Cambridge) and Volker Hoffmann (SusTec) analyze how external knowledge is integrated into the innovation process: the mechanisms and enablers of knowledge spillovers.
New report on the state of the plastics recycling industry

The new report coming out of the ETH Global Recycling Survey 2020 focuses on the current state of the recycling industry and its perception of future developments
New practitioner article published on the potential and challenges of bidirectional charging

Although bidirectional charging of electric vehicles could support the integration of renewable energy into the electricity system, its future remains uncertain. How could the implementation of bidirectional charging look like and which challenges remain?
New article by Joern Hoppmann on funding of research institutes published in Research Policy

A scientific article authored by Joern Hoppmann has been accepted for publication in Research Policy.
Johannes Meuer receives award for excellent teaching

Johannes Meuer was awarded VSETH's Golden Owl 2020 for the MTEC Department.
Congratulations Dr. des Schwarz!

The entire SusTec team congratulates Marius Schwarz for the successful completion and defense of his doctoral thesis entitled “The role of Policies for the Diffusion of Low-Carbon Technologies and their System Integration: Energy Transitions in Switzerland and California” on December 3rd, 2020.
Upcoming Reserach Seminar with Paul Adler (University of Southern California) on “Socialism is on the agenda for management research”

We’re happy to welcome Paul Adler (University of Southern California) to the SusTec Colloquium on 3 December 2020 (16.30 – 18.00).
SusTec welcomes Mohamed Wade as new MSc Student

Mohamed joins Sustec in November 2020 to conduct his thesis on Corpoate Sustainability through the lenses of the UN SDGs.
New article on how deployment policies affect innovation in complementary technologies

We already know much about the innovation effects of deployments policies such as the German Feed-in Tariff. But how do such policies affect complementary innovations, e.g. in battery technology?
SusTec welcomes Willem Laumen as new MSc Student

Willem Laumen joins Sustec from RWTH Aachen to conduct his thesis on theoptimization of operational strategies of grid-connected large scale battery storage systems
ETH Academy 2020 - Understanding technological, organizational, and institutional processes for sustainability

An interdisciplinary group of 18 researchers from 9 different nations spent 5 days virtually at the 13th annual ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology, hosted by SusTec.
SusTec welcomes Arber Sejdiji as new research assistant

Arber is a MSc student in Management, Technology and Economics and joins the team as a research assistant.
Marian Krüger joins sus.lab as Project Manager

SusTec and sus.lab welcome Marian Krüger, who has recently joined sus.lab as Project Lead Decarbonisation following a successful startup venture in the photovoltaics space.
SusTec welcomes Aaron Schnydrig as new MSc Student

Aaron joins Sustec in September 2020 to conduct his master thesis with Christine and Annegret on electricity load profiles and load shifting in the energy transition.
SusTec welcomes Qing Xu as new MSc Student

Qing Xu joined SusTec in September 2020 to write his master thesis.
Congratulations Dr. des Nuñez-Jimenez!

The entire SusTec teams congratulates Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez for the successful completion and defense of his doctoral thesis entitled “Energy policy for the transition: Designing policies for harnessing technological change” on August 25th, 2020.
Five Challenges in the Acceleration of Sustainability Transitions

When transitions accelerate this creates new challenges for research and policy. In a new open access article, we highlight five challenges and discuss their policy implications.
New article on integrating renewables with Power-to-Hydrogen seasonal energy storage, published in Applied Energy

Energy storage is vital for integrating renewable energy. Already for urban distributed energy systems, off-the-shelf technologies consisting of renewables, heat pumps, along with batteries and hot water storage can reduce CO2 emissions by 90% cost-effectively.
SusTec researchers publish new report on digital trends in the building industry
What effects will digital building technology have on the building sector? How can decision-makers in politics and business exploit the potential of digitization? What does digitization in the building sector mean for innovation, competition, education and labor market policy? Our newly published report «Digital Trends in the Building Industry 2020» answers these questions and shows the diverse opportunities and risks of digitization in the building sector.
New article on “System Integration of Variable Renewable Energies”, published in Applied Energy

Can electricity pricing leverage electric vehicles and battery storage to integrate high shares of solar photovoltaics? New SusTec study outlines the role for electric vehicles in future electricity systems.
COVID-19 impacts academic interaction

The time for digital new interaction formats is now. Digital interaction formats have successfully substituted physical conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic and will be part of a new regime in the field of academic exchange.
ETS as a Trojan Horse?

Analyzing responses from policy consultations, Jochen Markard (SusTec) and Daniel Rosenbloom (University of Toronto) find, among other issues, that many prominent industrial actors "support the EU ETS not because it will drive a low-carbon transition but because it will not".
A tale of two crises

Jochen Markard (SusTec) and Daniel Rosenbloom (University of Toronto) argue that the response to the coronavirus outbreak also offers an opportunity to advance the climate agenda. Indeed, given that we have scarce resources at our disposal, it is essential that we synergize such efforts.
SusTec and sus.lab welcome Dianne Hondeborg

SusTec and sus.lab re-welcome Dianne Hondeborg who joins sus.lab as a Project Manager following her Master thesis.
SusTec welcomes Leandro Morales as new MSc Student

Leandro joined SusTec in May 2020 for his master thesis on 2nd life batteries in the context of stationary storage systems.
Plastics recycling after the global pandemic: resurgence or regression?

In a perspective published in Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Sebastian Kahlert and Catharina Bening outline why the future of plastics recycling could be determined by the path society takes in combating economic aftermath of COVID-19.
Science: A COVID-19 recovery for climate

“Leveraging COVID-19 recovery programs to simultaneously advance the climate agenda presents a strategic opportunity to transition toward a more sustainable post–COVID-19 world.” write Daniel Rosenbloom (University of Toronto) and Jochen Markard (SusTec) in the editorial of this week’s Science Magazine.
Can we save the climate with nuclear power?

A new article finds that, at a global scale, nuclear is in decline and there is little hope that new, current-type nuclear power plants will make a big difference for fighting climate change. While this might not come as a big surprise to experts in the field, our study is the first to apply the technological innovation systems framework to analyze technology decline.
PNAS Opinion: Why Carbon Pricing is not sufficient

Carbon pricing has limitations with regard to effective and fundamental transformations of industries and society. Daniel Rosenbloom, Jochen Markard, Frank Geels and Lea Fünfschilling present core principles of “sustainability transition policy” to address climate change.
New study on the successful phase-out of coal in the UK

Phasing-out coal fired power generation is a key strategy to combat climate change. Under certain conditions coal phase-out can happen much more quickly than anticipated, finds a new study by Karoliina Isoaho and Jochen Markard.
New article on “Deployment Policy Design“ published by Environmental Research Letters

A new article addressing the question "Can designs inspired by control theory keep deployment policies effective and cost-efficient as technology prices fall?" has been published by the journal "Environmental Research Letters". The article is authored by Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez, Christof Knoeri, Joern Hoppmann, and Volker Hoffmann.
SusTec project on digital building technologies featured in ‘haustech’

In this report, Johannes explains what types of digital building technologies to look out for.
New SusTec seminar: Business Models for a Circular Economy

SusTec researchers offer new business model seminar in the realm of the Circular Economy
SusTec welcomes Tudor Profir as new MSc Student

Tudor joined SusTec in February 2020 to write his Master's thesis on corporate sustainability.
SusTec welcomes Sebastian Kahlert

Sebastian joined SusTec in February 2020 as a PhD candidate on plastics recycling and circular economy.
SusTec Project on Digital Building Technologies featured in BFE info video

The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE) has developed a series of info videos with important energy-related research projects that the ministry is supporting
SusTec researcher speaks at high-level IEA innovation workshop

SusTec's Christof Knoeri speaks at high-level innovation workshop in Paris that lays foundations for IEA’s new global guidebook on clean energy technologies.
New article on „Building decarbonization“ published by Journal of Cleaner Production

A new article entitled “Innovative Designs of Building Energy Codes and their Implementation Challenges” has been accepted for publication by the “Journal of Cleaner Production”. The article is authored by Marius Schwarz, Christina Nakhle, and Christof Knoeri (all SusTec).
Guest Lecture with Professor James Mahoney on "The Logic of Critical Event Analysis”

Wednesday, 11 December 2019, 17h15 – 18h30/ ETH Main building, HG D3.2
SusTec welcomes Benjamin Ueltschi

Ben joined SusTec for his master’s thesis in Environmental Systems and Policy in November 2019, in partnership with ewz.
New article on "Strategic Technology Framing" published by Research Policy

A new article entitled "Why Matter Matters: How Technology Characteristics Shape the Strategic Framing of Technologies" has been accepted for publication by the journal "Research Policy". The article is authored by Joern Hoppmann (University of Oldenburg and SusTec), Laura Diaz Anadon (Cambridge University, UK) and Venkatesh Narayanamurti (Harvard University, USA)
Opportunity to collaborate with SusTec

SusTec is working with companies to scale-up corporate contributions to the SDGs.
New article published

The article “The role of inter-sectoral knowledge spillovers in technological innovations: The case of lithium-ion batteries” has been published in “Technological Forecasting and Social Change”
From research to action- Advice from four experts

SusTec researchers organized a panel discussion on making an impact with sustainability research and in this post, they share the advice given during the session.
Welcome to Giacomo Melegati

Giacomo joined SusTec in October 2019 for his master thesis in Management Technology and Economics.
SusTec article published in the Journal of Business Venturing

An article entitled "The Double Impact of Institutions: Institutional Spillovers and Entrepreneurial Activity in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry," which is co-authored by SusTec's Joern Hoppmann and Ben Vermeer (previously SusTec, now Boston Consulting Group) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Venturing.
McGill launches Sustainability Transitions initiative

To strengthen interdisciplinary work on sustainability topics, McGill (Montreal) has launched Sustainability Transitions as the fourth focal theme of their MSSI. At the symposium, Jochen Markard presented latest research and shared experiences with the ongoing energy transitions.
SusTec and ESD researchers discuss a circular building industry in a podium and a short movie

Together with representatives from a material producer and an engineering company, Christof Knoeri (SusTec) and Maja Wipraechtiger (ESD) elaborated at the CISBAT conference on how circular concrete and insulation materials currently are handled and where different material loops could be closed.
New semester project student – Ramon Vogel

He will do his research on the topic of Large-scale investors’ motivations and barriers for building energy retrofitting.
Energy Blog @ ETH Zurich co-founded by two SusTec PhDs

Evan and Alejandro, along with PhDs and Post-Docs from 7 other groups at ETH Zurich and the Energy Science Center, launch a new platform for energy discussions.
Laura Rutishauser joined SusTec for her Master Thesis on “Policy impact on optimal MES design”

In her thesis she will assess the possibility of extending and using current state-of-the-art models used for optimal MES designs to identify the optimal types and levels of policy support for specific MES technologies.
Zsofia Kovacs has started her semester project at SusTec

She will work together with Christof, Paula and Georgios on the topic of stationary battery storage for grid applications.
Paula Thimet joins SusTec as a PhD candidate

Paula Thimet joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD candidate on modelling of energy-systems.
New semester project student - Aaron Schnydrig

He will do his research on the interplay between building retrofits and the profitability of district heating networks.
Sus Tec researchers organize a panel discussion “From Research to Action: Working Together for a Sustainable Future”

Join us for the debate on Wednesday, October 16th
Christine Gschwendtner joined the Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD Candidate

She investigates how low-carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles, heat pumps, storage, and distributed generation, can be incorporated in future distribution networks, using quantitative and qualitative research methods.
SusTec welcomes Anna Kulakovskaya as a new PhD candidate

Anna joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD candidate on Circular Economy
SusTec and ESD researchers examine and discuss the dimensions of a sustainable circular economy in “die Volkswirtschaft”

The authors propose a holistic definition and measurement of a sustainable circular economy, linking material circularity with environmental and economic sustainability. The inherent trade-offs and rebounds are discussed and illustrated at the example of the recycling of PET and glass bottles in Switzerland.
Welcome Dianne!

Dianne Hondeborg joined SusTec for writing her Master Thesis on “Going climate positive – what would it take for a large corporate?”
News article in physicsworld on recent SusTec publication

Put solar photovoltaics (PV) on the roof of your house and it’s win-win? News article in physicsworld summarizes recent SusTec publication and interview with author.
Hello Remo Diethelm

Remo joined SusTec for his master’s thesis in Environmental Systems and Policy in September 2019
Turning companies into allies

Petrissa - Executive Director of sus.lab - shared her story of bridging SusTec research and industry on today's ETH front page
SusTec researchers present their work at the CISBAT conference in Lausanne

Studies on Power-to-Hydrogen seasonal energy storage and building energy regulations in Europe
SusTec publishes a comprehensive review of challenges and solution technologies for the integration of variable renewables

The interrelation matrix of challenges and solution technologies developed in the SusTec study provides important insights for business and policy makers.
SusTec publishes an analysis on the development of risk and return for renewable power generation portfolios

Using actual production data from eight wind and photovoltaics plants across Germany from 2015 until 2017 and a storage unit, SusTec authors build a quantitative model to evaluate the impact of these strategies on investors’ risk and return.
EGOS Sub-theme proposal on “Sustainability Transitions” accepted for EGOS 2020 in Hamburg

Read more about the EGOS Sub-theme.
On the Nature of Corporate Sustainability

New article - inspired by SusTec's students - published in Organization & Environment!
Welcome to Stefan Gahrens

Stefan Gahrens joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Group for Sustainability and Technology in July 2019 within the framework of IDEA League and the German National Academic Foundation.
ETH Academy 2019 - The next phase of sustainable development

An interdisciplinary group of 19 researchers from 11 different nations spent 5 days in the Swiss Alps for the 12th annual ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology, hosted by SusTec.
Insights from low-carbon energy transitions

Briefing for Canadian government officials on Sustainability Transitions
SusTec Researchers present their work at 10th IST conference in Ottawa

Studies on Agent based modeling for energy technology policies, Decline of nuclear, Clean energy in the Balkans, Coal phase-out and Acceleration challenges
EnergieSchweiz has approved a SusTec/Sus.Lab project proposal

The project focuses on the intersection between digital technologies and the building sector.
SusTec welcomes Angela Small at visiting PhD student from Leeds University

Angela Small, a PhD student at the University of Leeds, is visiting SusTec for two months between May and June 2019.
SusTec turns 15 and performs well at SOLA 2019

Two reasons to celebrate: With a total time of 10h05min, the SusTec team successfully covered the SOLA running course of 114km finishing 472th overall. This success and the Group’s 15th anniversary were celebrated afterwards.
SusTec welcomes Georgios Mavromatidis

Georgios Mavromatidis joins the Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in May 2019 as a Senior Researcher.
SusTec research in the media

Swiss industry journal Haustech highlights project on efficient policies for solar photovoltaics promotion.
SusTec is welcoming Franz Radke

Franz started his Master Thesis on an indicator framework for Circular Economy transitions.
Sali Joel Dunant

Joël joined SusTec for his master’s thesis in Energy Science and Technology (M.Sc.) in February 2019, in partnership with Alpiq Digital Energy Solutions.
SusTec Researchers present their work at 4th NEST conference in Lisbon

The 4th NEST conference attracted around 80 emerging scholars in sustainability transition studies.
The Foundation of German Business awards scholarship to SusTec’s PhD candidate Marianne

Marianne receives the full doctoral scholarship for her ongoing PhD on “Organizational Strategies for the Circular Economy”.
Welcome to Nicholas Eyring

Nicholas joined SusTec for his master's thesis in Management, Technology, and Economics (M.Sc.).
The UK’s transition to a low carbon economy: progress so far and challenges ahead

Invitation to the talk on Wednesday, 10th April 2019, 12 pm to 1 pm
SusTec welcomes Mustafa Bayansalduz

Mustafa joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology for his Master thesis.
EGOS Sub-theme proposal on “Untangling the Complexity of Grand Challenges” accepted for EGOS 2020 in Hamburg

Together with Bart Cambré (Antwerp University) and Peer Fiss (University of Southern California) Johannes from SusTec is organizing a sub-theme on theories and methods for sustainability at the EGOS 2020 in Hamburg.
SusTec is offering a Master Thesis

Going climate positive - What would it take for a large corporate?
New article published in Business & Society

An article by SusTec member Amanda Williams which calls for a systemic perspective of organizational resilience and exams managerial approaches to palm oil production was recently published in “Business & Society”.
SusTec is welcoming Laura Beyeler

Laura started her Master’s thesis on Circular Economy Policies.
Sus.lab developed a sustainability strategy with the Schweizer Salinen based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Developing a sustainability masterplan for the future sustainability pioneer in the Salt industry is a great challenge. Schweizer Salinen decided to collaborate with sus.lab at SusTec to tackle this challenge.
Innovative and Industrial Construction (Thu, 7 March)

SusTec invites you to a research seminar with Prof. Dr. Daniel Hall.
SusTec welcomes Lukas Falcke

Lukas joined SusTec for his master’s thesis in Management, Technology and Economics (M.Sc.)
SusTec researchers present idea of a Sustainable Circular Economy at NRP73 Annual Program Conference

TACLE team participated in the 2nd Program Conference of NRP 73 in Bern.
New article published in Energy Policy

Researchers from SusTec and UC Berkeley reveal disparities in national readiness levels for renewable energy integration based on new metrics.
SusTec article accepted for publication in Organization Science

An article by SusTec members Jan Ossenbrink, Joern Hoppmann, and Volker Hoffmann, which studies the change in the largest four electric utility companies during the energy transition, was recently accepted for publication in "Organization Science".
Updated STRN research agenda published

Researchers from the Sustainability Transitions Research Network have published an updated research agenda in the journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
How to integrate high shares of solar photovoltaics?

SusTec’s new paper – published in the journal ‘Environmental Research Letters’ – evaluates how smart policies and battery storage can help to integrate high shares of solar photovoltaics.
MTEC Foundation Grant Awarded

Our project proposal “Strategizing Contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals” was accepted by the MTEC Foundation.
SusTec invites to a Research Seminar with Jonatan Pinkse

Thursday, 7 February 2019: How firm-level business models induce change in an industry logic: A case study of the Dutch electricity industry.
Review article on decentralized energy systems published

SusTec researchers have reviewed and compared decentralized energy systems both in literature and practice.
Sustainability Transitions Network with new chairman and board

SusTec researcher Jochen Markard was elected as the new chairman of the STRN network.
SusTec’s Fabian Rottmann wins this year's SAEE Student Award in the category Master Thesis

The Swiss Association for Energy Economics (SAEE) awards Fabian Rottmann with this year’s price for his Master thesis “Spreading the use of responsive adjustment mechanisms for renewable energy deployment policies: An agent-based modelling cross-country evaluation”.
SusTec is looking for a PhD student

We are looking for a PhD student in the field of stationary and mobile energy storage.
11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology - Call for Papers open until 15 March 2019

The interplay between policies, technologies, and organizations in the next phase of sustainable development – this is the focus of the 11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology.
Prof. Volker Hoffmann receives award for excellent teaching

Professor Volker Hoffmann was awarded VSETH's Golden Owl 2018 for the MTEC Department.
New Special Issue in Organization & Environment

Timo Busch and Jens Hamprecht from SusTec have published the article "Value(s) for Whom? Creating Value(s) for Stakeholders".
RDES Guidelines for successful Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES)

SusTec and HSLU researchers continue working on a collection of Guidelines for Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES).
SusTec welcomes Amanda as a Senior Researcher

Amanda Williams joins Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in October 2018 as a Senior Researcher.
Article on future energy storage systems in Swiss neighborhoods published

Researchers from Empa’s Urban Energy Systems Lab and SusTec have evaluated and compared different storage systems in Swiss neighborhood applications of decentralized energy systems from 2015 to 2050.
Sali Quentin Auzepy

We welcome Quentin, who has started writing his master’s thesis at SusTec this week.
New SNSF project granted

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) approved our project proposal "Unpacking pathways to corporate sustainability” for a three year funding period.
Centralized or decentralized?

A new paper by Marie Byskov Lindberg, Jochen Markard and Allan Dahl Andersen analyses the policy mix and actor positions in EU energy policy.
Evan Petkov joins the SusTec team as a Phd student

Evan Petkov joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in September 2018 as a PhD candidate
Sus.lab welcomes Inese Zepa as new Project Manager

Inese started her PhD in Prof. Ambühl’s group on negotiation and conflict management in September 2018 and will spend 30% of her time with sus.lab.
This year again! International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2018

Johannes Meuer offers an International QCA Paper Development Workshop in November 2018. The workshop provides a platform for researchers working on papers involving QCA to meet QCA experts, get feedback on their on-going research, and learn about the latest methodological developments.
New business models for diaper and mattress recycling at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany

SusTec had the pleasure to offer a workshop on Circular Economy Solutions at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany, in August 2018. An interdisciplinary group of 18 students from various European universities spent 6 days working on innovative solutions to reduce waste generated by throw-away products under the guidance of Prof. Volker Hoffmann, Dr. Petrissa Eckle and Jakob Prüss.
SusTec welcomes Dimitra Vlaskou Badra

Dimitra will write her master thesis on the topic of timber for high rise buildings.
New Article on the Life Cycle of Technological Innovation Systems (TIS)

A new conceptual paper by Jochen Markard suggests using the TIS framework not just for emerging but also for mature, and even declining technologies.
Congratulations Dr. David Grosspietsch

We congratulate David Grosspietsch for the successful completion and defense of his doctoral thesis entitled “Fostering Technological Change for a Sustainable Built Environment: The Role of Policy, System Design and Performance” on July 27th, 2018.
SusTec welcomes Julia Reinschmidt as new team member at sus.lab

Julia joins the Sustainability in Business lab (sus.lab) - an initiative of SusTec
Johannes Meuer receives the OMT ABCD Award

Johannes receives the Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Reviewing Award from the OMT Division of the Academy of Management.
SusTec welcomes Marianne Kuhlmann as a PhD candidate

Marianne joins the Group for Sustainability and Technology in June 2018 as a PhD candidate on Circular Economy.
Congratulations Dr. Fanny Frei

We congratulate Fanny Frei for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation entitled “Incumbents In The Energy Transition: How Electric Utilities Adapt To Their Changing Business Environment” on July, 3rd 2018.
Julija Gergek joins SusTec as a PhD candidate

The Group for Sustainability and Technology welcomes Julia as a PhD candidate in Corporate Sustainability.
SusTec’s Hendrik Clausdeinken receives Willi Studer Prize and ETH Medal 2018

Hendrik Clausdeinken has been awarded the Willi Studer Prize 2018 for the best master’s degree in Energy Science and Technology and the ETH Medal 2018 for his master’s thesis on “Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) – Hot air or a real option?”
Integrating Technologies, Policies and Strategies for a Sustainable Economy

An interdisciplinary group of 19 researchers from 11 different nations spent 5 days in the Swiss Alps for the 11th annual ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology, hosted by SusTec.
New Article Published: Liquidity in green power markets – An international review

SusTec researchers Fanny Frei, Allister Loder, and Catharina Bening have published a new article in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews that reviews green power markets worldwide with regard to their liquidity.
SusTec welcomes Yan Zhang

Yan Zhang joined the Group for Sustainability and Technology in June 2018 for his Master's thesis in Integrated Building Systems MSc. at ETH Zurich. In his thesis, he evaluates the potential of innovative technologies and identifies the business opportunities for building facade systems.
New Article Published: Leaders or Laggards? The evolution of electric utilities’ business portfolios during the energy transition

SusTec researchers Fanny Frei, Simon Sinsel, Ahmed Hanafy, and Jörn Hoppmann have published a new article in Energy Policy that investigates changes in business portfolios of the biggest electric utilities worldwide during the energy transition.
SusTec article accepted for publication at Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)

A new article by SusTec researchers Joern Hoppmann, Florian Naegele, and Bastien Girod, which studies the role of boards of directors for organizational inertia in times of environmental discontinuities, was recently accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ).
SusTec shares their insights on the role of utilities in the energy transition at in Luzern

On June 7th 2018 SusTec researcher Simon Sinsel will lead a workshop on the role of large electric utilities in the energy transition. Simon will present and discuss two studies from SusTec researchers with industry representatives at the forum.
The next phase of the energy transition

This new perspectives article from SusTec researcher Jochen Markard in Nature Energy argues that we are currently entering a new stage of the energy transition that is qualitatively different from the first phase.
Great team performance at SOLA 2018

With a total time of 10h 01min, the SusTec team successfully covered the running course of 114km finishing 350th overall.
SusTec Researcher Christof Knoeri interviewed by Phase 5

SusTec Researcher Christof Knoeri answers a couple of research and non-research related questions in the “Feierabendgespräch” of the second Edition of the 2018 Phase 5 Journal.
SusTec’s Corporate Sustainability lecture among the KITE Award finalists

The SusTec' Corporate Sustainability lecture participated in the finals of this years KITE award 2018. In total, 27 teaching concepts from every department of the University were submitted. Four were shortlisted – among them the Corporate Sustainability lecture.
New Article Published in Business Strategy and the Environment

Together with two colleagues from the University of Hamburg, SusTec researcher Joern Hoppmann has published a new article that investigates the role of external change agents for corporate sustainability.
SusTec is looking for Postdoctoral Researchers

The Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) searches for 1-2 Postdoctoral Researchers with quantitative modelling experience in the field of technological and institutional change in the energy sector.
SusTec welcomes Karoliina Isoaho from Helsinki

Karoliina joins our group as a visiting scholar to work with Jochen Markard on industry decline in the energy transition.
SusTec welcomes Jakob Pruess as new PhD student

Jakob joins the TACLE project (NFP 73) as a PhD student. He will investigate circular economy policies, in particular how policy framework conditions such as regulations affect innovative activities of firms towards a closed-loop economy.
Teaching Climate Change made easy!

Teaching anyone properly about Climate Change is a difficult task. On 19 March 2018, SusTec played “The World Climate Simulation” an innovative teaching simulation developed by the MIT think tank spin-off Climate Interactive and facilitated by Prof. Dr. Florian Kapmeier.
SusTec welcomes Marija Spokaite as new team member at sus.lab

Prior to sus.lab, Marija spent several years working for impact investment funds in microfinance, agriculture and climate and provided part-time support to sustainability-driven start-ups
SusTec and MTEC’s Teaching Innovation lab organize MIT’s “World Climate: Negotiating a Global Climate Change Agreement”

On 19 March, SusTec has invited Florian Kapmeier, Professor of System Dynamics at ESB. Together with Florian, we will experience an innovative simulation on “World Climate: Negotiating a Global Climate Change Agreement.”
Inspirational talk of SusTec researcher at SDSN Switzerland Launch Conference

On the SDSN Switzerland Launch Conference SusTec senior researcher Nicola Blum gives an inspirational talk on how research can support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and on the role of collaboration therein.
Article on energy self-sufficient neighborhoods published

Researchers from SusTec have assessed the how, when and where of self-sufficient energy supply to a solar-powered neighborhood.
Leveraging the potential of solar PV for refugees and host communities - report released

In a new report, SusTec researchers shed light on the drivers and barriers of solar PV in three settlements managed by the UN refugee agency. Focusing on the case of water pumping, they find that solar PV systems may provide a viable alternative to conventional forms of electricity supply. However, to leverage the potential of solar PV, several technical, institutional, financial, and social aspects need to be taken into account.
SusTec Project “Energy turnaround and Technical Regulation (EnTeR)" has been approved to be funded

SusTec’s research project on "The role of technical regulations in the transformation of the building park and its integration into future energy system" will be founded by NFP70 and EnDK. It is focused on the question of how technical energy regulations (TER) developed over time in selected nations/regions, and how well they are suited to potential future trends in the building sector.
SusTec welcomes Petrissa Eckle as new head of sus.lab

Prior to sus.lab, Petrissa worked for 5 years in management consulting and 3 years as PostDoc at Paul-Scherer-Institute
How to Convince a Critical Reader in Six Sentences

Management Education needs students to think critically. But how to train your students' critical thinking skills? The six sentence argument (6SA) method focuses on enhancing critical thinking skills through structured writing and guided peer-review and involves several feedback loops.
Practitioner article on Multi-Energy-Hubs

In the course of the NRP70 project “IMES”, SusTec contributed and co-authored an article on Multi-Energy-Hubs, a special form of decentralized energy system.
Journal of Product and Innovation Management promotes SusTec researcher

Ann-Kristin Zobel’s article „Benefiting from Open Innovation: A Multi-Dimensional Model of Absorptive Capacity“ was invited by the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) to be promoted in form of a video abstract.
SusTec welcomes Christina Nakhle

Christina Nakhle has recently joined SusTec to support the group in two projects related to the building industry.
SusTec proposal “Towards A sustainable CircuLar Economy – Combining a material flow with a business and policy perspective” (TACLE) has been approved to be funded by NFP 73

SusTec research in this project focuses on an more detailed understanding of changes in industry and selected value chains that are facing change related to Circular Economy.
SusTec's Joern Hoppmann wins ONE Best Paper Award at Academy of Management Annual Meeting

SusTec's Joern Hoppmann has been awarded the Best Paper Award of the Division "Organization and the Natural Environment" at this year's Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta for his paper "Not My Business: How Cognitive Frames and Role Identities Influence Corporate Sustainability".
SusTec welcomes Allan Dahl Andersen

Allan Dahl Andersen is a research fellow at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) at the University of Oslo, Norway. He is a visiting researcher as SusTec until end of September 2017.
Organizations in Sustainability Transitions

At the 33rd EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen, SusTec co-organized a 3-day conference Sub-theme together with researchers from PennState University (Raghu Garud) and the University of Alberta (Joel Gehman).
SusTec and the Sustainable Energy Initiative at Stanford Graduate School of Business co-host moderated panel discussion with industry leaders on Innovation in the Energy Industry

Bringing together a panel of top managers from four leading utilities from Switzerland (BKW), Origin Energy (Australia), EDP (Portugal), and Engie (France) and a diverse audience of approximately 45 academics, business leaders, policymakers, start-up executives and innovation experts, the event covered a variety of subjects all related to the "energy revolution" currently underway globally.
How does policy affect the size of residential solar PV systems and what does it mean for the energy transition?

A recently published article sheds light on this question based on a detailed techno-economic simulation and a comparison between two of the leading residential solar PV markets - California and Germany.
SusTec welcomes Agnieszka Rozniak and Marissa Saenger

Agnieszka and Marissa will support SusTec for the next months on two research projects.
10th Anniversary of the ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology: Exchange of Ideas on Innovation for Sustainability

An interdisciplinary group of 18 researchers from 10 different nations spent 5 exciting days in the Swiss Alps for the 10th annual scientific seminar on Innovation for Sustainability, hosted by SusTec.
Kathleen Eisenhardt (Stanford) to give a talk on strategy formation at ETH

Kathleen Eisenhardt, Professor for Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University will be visiting SusTec at the end of May. We have the pleasure of inviting you to a talk she will give at ETH based on her recent work with Timothy Ott.
Strong finish of SusTec team at SOLA 2017

With a total time of 9h 32min, the SusTec team successfully covered the running course of 116km finishing 219th overall.
Congratulations Dr. Jan Ossenbrink

We congratulate Jan Ossenbrink for successfully defending his doctoral dissertation titled: “How Policy Mixes Shape Technological Change and Organizational Learning in the Energy Sector - The Case of Distributed Energy Resources” on April 12th , 2017.
New article on sectoral knowledge creation for lithium-ion batteries published

Researchers from SusTec and the Energy Politics Group (EPG) have analysed how different sectors linked in a technology’s value chain can affect innovation processes. In their new paper published in Research Policy, they investigate knowledge creation processes in the lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology in Japan.
Nature Energy editorial mentions article co-authored by SusTec

The journal Nature Energy celebrated its first birthday with an editorial reviewing research highlights that appeared in their first year. One of the 14 papers mentioned is "Limiting the public cost of stationary battery deployment by combining applications" co-authored by researchers from ETH Zurich's SusTec and EPG.
SusTec featured in the official magazine of the Swiss Int. Air Lines

SusTec’s brave Samichlaus swimmers are featured in the February edition of the SWISS Magazine, the official magazine of Swiss International Air Lines.
Brokers could lower the risks in green power markets

Fanny Frei, PhD candidate at SusTec, has written an article discussing characteristics of green power markets that influence their success.
Peak Session of SCCER FEEB&D: Kick-off Phase II (2017-2020)

SusTec research on Future Energy Efficient Building & Districts (FEEB&D) continues in second phase.
Why energy forecasts often fail

Players in the energy industry and the policy domain often depend on forecasts. A closer look reveals that these predictions sometimes fall wide of the mark.
SusTec researcher joins editorial board.

Johannes Meuer joins the editorial board of the European Management Journal, one of the leading European journals in the field of organization and management studies.
Congratulations Dr. Annegret Stephan

We congratulate Annegret Stephan for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation titled: “Innovation in Multi-Component and Multi-Purpose Technologies: The Case of Battery Storage” on December 6th , 2016.
SusTec researcher wins 3rd price of this year's SAEE Student Award

Marius Schwarz received the 3rd prize of the Swiss Association for Energy Economics’ (SAEE) Student Award for his Master’s thesis. Marius analyzed the creation of knowledge across industry sectors for the lithium-ion battery and thin film photovoltaic technology.
Welcome to SusTec Alejandro Nuñez Jimenez

SusTec welcomes a new team member: Alejandro Nuñez Jimenez joined the group in October 2016 as a new PhD candidate. His research will focus on the influence of technology characteristics in the effectiveness of policy instruments aimed at catalyzing its adoption.
SusTec (ETH), die Ernst Schweizer AG und Greenbuzz laden ein!

"Innovation und Erneuerbare Energien für das Gebäude der Zukunft". 10 November 2016 ab 18.30 im ETH Zürich Centrum, Sonneggstrasse 3 (Raum: ML E 12).
Sustec educators win PRI Prize for Best Pedagogical Innovation Award 2016

The finance track of SusTec’s corporate sustainability lecture has received the FIR-PRI Award 2016 for Best Pedagogical Innovation in sustainable finance. The track was first taught in Fall 2015.
Methodological article on Integrating QCA and HLM for Multilevel Research on Organizational Configurations published in Organizational Research Methods

In this article, we develop a multilevel mixed methods technique that integrates qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) with hierarchical linear modeling (HLM).
Impact Hub Zurich – Sustainable Cities and Communities event

Aoife Brophy Haney spoke at the Impact Hub’s Mash Up on Sustainable Cities and Communities, an event that aims to spark new ideas and discussion on a range of different themes.
SusTec researchers publish article on the development of scientific knowledge of Multi-energy systems.

SusTec researchers publish article on the development of scientific knowledge of Multi-energy systems. Although in theory, multi-energy systems should allow for lower carbon impacts compared to systems in which single energy vectors are considered individually, implementation of multi-energy systems is often difficult due to the number of technologies and actors involved and the complexity of their interactions.
SusTec researchers write article for AEE Suisse on multi-energy systems in Switzerland

Johannes Meuer, Aoife Brophy Haney and Mischa Kaspar contributed to a recent AEE (association for renewable energy and energy efficiency) publication on the potential for sustainable buildings to contribute to implementing Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050.
Double Trouble: Latest Sustec PhD Dissertation wins two Awards

We congratulate Dr. Julian Kölbel, who defended his thesis in January, for winning two prestigious awards with his dissertation: Sustainability and Risk: The Role of Stakeholders.
Article on complementarities published

Complementarities are essential for the ongoing energy transition. As a transition unfolds, complementarities change and it is important to identify and mitigate potential bottlenecks.
SusTec's Annegret Stephan writes for ETH Zukunftsblog

Annegret Stephan (PhD student, SusTec) and Prof. Tobias Schmidt (Energy Politics Group, ETH Zurich) describe in a recent ETH Zukunftsblog article how policy makers could enable new business models for stationary batteries.
Energy Transition 2.0

The energy transition enters a new phase. In addition to the expansion of new renewables, the survival of incumbent actors and technologies becomes more of an issue now. In ETH's Zukunftsblog, Jochen Markard discusses ...
9th Annual ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology: Exchange of ideas on Innovation for Sustainability.

An interdisciplinary group of researchers from twelve different countries spent five exciting days in the Swiss Alps for SusTec's annual scientific seminar on Sustainability and Technology.
Article on investment attractiveness of batteries combining applications published

Researchers from SusTec and the Energy Politics Group (EPG) have analyzed how combining different applications affects the investment attractiveness of stationary batteries.
MIT’s Jessika Trancik to talk about the future of renewable energy markets at ETH

Jessika Trancik, Assistant Professor of Energy Studies at MIT will be visiting SusTec in June and we have the pleasure of inviting you to a talk co-hosted by SusTec and the Energy Science Center on the future of renewable energy markets.
Strong finish of SusTec team at SOLA 2016

With a total time of 9h 43min, the SusTec team successfully covered the running course of 116km finishing 225th overall.
Erik Jentges is the new Educational Developer at D-MTEC!

Erik joined SusTec in March 2015 to help redesign the Corporate Sustainability Lecture. In the fall term, about 160 students learned about sustainability issues and their feedback indicated that the changes were a real improvement.
Dr. Johannes Meuer won Best Paper Award

A study by Dr. Johannes Meuer and his co-authors has just won the Best Paper Award of the Academy of Management Meeting 2016.
SusTec's David Grosspietsch qualifies for 2016 Ironman World Championship in Hawaii

In an incredible race of 9 hours, 34 minutes, and 37 seconds at Ironman African Championship in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, David managed to cross the finish line as 7th in his age group.
Welcome to SusTec Marius Schwarz

SusTec welcomes a new team member: Marius Schwarz has joined the group as our new PhD candidate. His research will focus on the diffusion of renewable energy technologies and its interaction with policy instruments.
Cooperation between SusTec and University College London

SusTec researcher visits UCL’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP)
Article on patenting and open innovation in solar industry published

Researchers from SusTec, UC Berkeley, and Technical University Freiberg have analyzed how the patent stock of new entrants in the North American Solar industry influences their subsequent openness in innovation.
Article on Technological Knowledge in Wind Power published

Researchers from SusTec and the Energy Politics Group (EPG) have analyzed the patent-citation networks in wind power and show how the design hierarchy shapes the focus of inventive activity and the expansion of the underlying body of knowledge.
Volker Hoffmann appointed to the Energy Science Center Managing Board

He was elected as one of three new members during the general assembly of the Energy Science Center (ESC) on February, 4th.
Dr. Sabine Erlinghagen writes for ETH's Zukunftsblog

Sabine Erlinghagen, SusTec Alumna, describes the concept and business opportunities of Demand Response and its benefits to the Swiss and European electricity system.
Article on battery storage published

Researchers from SusTec and the Energy Politics Group (EPG) have identified and analyzed the most prevalent use cases for stationary battery technologies on mainland and island electricity systems.
Congratulations Dr. Julian Kölbel

We congratulate Julian Kölbel for successfully defending his doctoral dissertation titled: “Sustainability and Risk: The Role of Stakeholders” on January 20th, 2016.
SusTec team members escape the prison and face icy waters

Quiet Christmas time at SusTec is not all that quiet. SusTec members organized two brilliant team events challenging the teams’ skills and courage. Of course both challenges were successfully managed.
Successful first edition of the Energy Startup Day

On November 4th 2015, ETH’s Group for Sustainability and Technology together with ZHAW Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Impact Hub Zürich hosted the first Energy Startup Day at the Umweltarena Spreitenbach.
Article on Challenges for Wind Farms in Switzerland published

Fanny Frei, PhD candidate at SusTec, discusses the challenges that exist in relation to planning wind farms in Switzerland in her article recently published in “Aktuelle Technik”.
Legitimacy is key for new technologies

A recent study on biogas in Germany shows that technologies might be confronted with legitimacy problems even in later stages of development, after they have matured and expanded successfully.
3rd International QCA Expert Workshop 2015

From 2 to 3 December 2015 the 3rd International QCA Expert Workshop is going to take place at ETH Zurich.
New Research Policy Paper on Knowledge Spillovers

Four researchers from SusTec and the Energy Politics Group (EPG) have examined determinants of knowledge spillovers within and across technologies.
New SusTec paper on Solar PV

How self-consumption can ensure PV's profitability when no subsidies are present
Energy Startup Day on November 4th, 2015

The perfect opportunity to find out, what chances arise from startups to incumbment companies in the Swiss energy and cleantech sector.
New articles on Technological Innovation Systems

The recent issue of Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions features one article and four viewpoints on conceptual advancements of the technological innovation systems (TIS) framework. Researchers at SusTec have contributed to three of these.
Congratulations Dr. Tillmann Lang

We say "hats off" and present Dr. Tillmann Lang with his doctoral cap!
Fanny Frei writes for ETH's Zukunftsblog

Fanny Frei, PhD candidate at SusTec, discusses the challenges that exist in relation to planning wind farms in Switzerland.
Welcome to SusTec Ann-Kristin Zobel

In August 2015, Ann-Kristin Zobel joined SusTech as a senior researcher. Ann-Kristin brings in significant academic expertise on innovation ecosystems in the renewable energies sector.
Call for Papers – 3rd International QCA Expert Workshop

From 2 to 3 December 2015 the 3rd International QCA Expert Workshop is going to take place at ETH Zurich. The workshop will bring together junior and senior QCA experts from political sciences, sociology and management research to provide an opportunity for presenting research, exchanging ideas and establishing contacts.
8th Annual ETH PhD-Academy: Energy Innovation Insights from Around the Globe

A small group of researchers from ten different countries spent five exciting days in the Swiss Alps for SusTec's annual scientific seminar on Sustainability and Technology.
MTEC Students win Swiss Social Impact Award 2015

A team of students from SusTec's "Sustainability Start-Up Seminar" has been awarded this year's SSIA and are also the winners of the SSIA Audience Award.
Congratulations Dr. Florian Naegele

Florian Naegele has completed his dissertation and received his doctoral degree after a successful examination last week.
Erik Jentges joins SusTec

SusTec welcomes a new team member: Dr. Erik Jentges has joined to help in redesigning our flagship lecture on "Corporate Sustainability".
SusTec team successfully finishes SOLA 2015 relay

For the third consecutive year, a team of 14 SusTec and EPG members has finished the SOLA relay run in Zürich.
Transitions and Policy Change: SPRU working paper

A recent study by Jochen Markard, Marco Suter and Karin Ingold on coalitions and policy change in the Swiss energy transition is now available as a working paper.
Insights for practicioners from SusTec Research featured in VSE Bulletin

Florian Naegele and Tillmann Lang, PhD candidates at SusTec, discuss findings from a recent research project on energy efficiency in buildings.
Layers of Co-Existing Innovation Systems: New Article by Johannes Meuer

SusTec's senior researcher Johannes Meuer and co-authors Christian Rupietta and Uschi Backes-Gellner have written an article on different innovation systems in Swiss firms published in Research Policy.
Congratulations Dr. Falko Paetzold

The SusTec team congratulates Falko Paetzold on the completion and successful defense of his dissertation.
Challenges of planning wind farms in Switzerland: new article by Fanny Frei

Fanny Frei, PhD candidate at SusTec, has written an article discussing the particularities in relation to the planning of wind farms in Switzerland.
Three SusTec team members finish the famous Engadin Skimarathon 2015

On Sunday, March 8th, three group members made their debut as runners in the 42 kilometer's cross-country ski marathon in Engadin, Switzerland.
SusTec Welcomes Dr. Johannes Meuer as New Senior Researcher

On February 1, Johannes Meuer, previously senior researcher at the Department of Business Administration of University of Zurich, joined the SusTec team to work on questions related to innovation in the energy sector.
Actors in the Energy Transition

A study on coalitions in the Swiss energy transition was presented by Jochen Markard at the SPRU Friday Seminar Series
Congratulations Dr. Jörn Hünteler

The SusTec team congratulates Dr. Jörn Hünteler on a successful doctoral examination and on his doctoral degree.
Tobias Schmidt to become Assistant Professor of Energy Politics

As of February, Tobias Schmidt will leave SusTec and lead the new Energy Politics Group at ETH’s Department for Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS)
Annegret Stephan Wins Best Presentation Award

SusTec researcher Annegret Stephan won the Best Presentation Award in the field of social sciences at the “Third International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science” in Perth, Australia.
SusTec's Tobias Schmidt blogs about UN climate talks in Lima

In an article for ETH’s Zukunftsblog Tobias writes about the atmosphere in the currently ongoing UN climate negotiations (COP20) in Lima, Peru.
Successful Completion of Research Project on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

SusTec has recently finalized a two-year research project on energy efficiency in buildings in collaboration with swiss electric research and several industry partners. In a final workshop with representatives from partnering institutions and beyond, the main conclusions were presented and implications of the findings for the energy sector were discussed.
What's it like to work at MTEC's Group for Sustainability and Technology?

The Department of Management and Economics at ETH aims to provide an excellent learning, teaching and research environment. Tillmann Lang, PhD student at MTEC's Group for Sustainability and Technology shares his thoughts on how it is to pursue a doctoral degree at the Department.
Renewables: To Store Or Not To Store?

SusTec’s Tobias Schmidt and Suzanne Greene blog on energy storage in ETH’s Zukunftsblog.
SusTec researcher wins 2nd prize of this year's SAEE Student Award

The Swiss Association for Energy Economics (SAEE) awards Jan Ossenbrink with the 2nd prize of the Student Chapter for his Master thesis. Jan had analyzed the development of dominant technological designs in the wind and solar PV industries.
Two SusTec members contribute to book release about Women shaping the Swiss Energy Future

SusTec Alumni Dr. Sabine Erlinghagen and PhD student Fanny Frei contributed to the book “Energie im Wandel – Frauen gestalten die Schweizer Energiezukunft” which will be published mid-november. In the book, twenty-nine female authors, all experts in the Swiss energy sector, shed light on challenges and solutions that come with the Swiss energy transition.
SusTec acts as lead organizer for COP side event

At this year’s UN Climate Talks in Lima/Peru, SusTec researcher Joern Huenteler and Tobias Schmidt will act as lead organizers of ETH’s side event co-hosted with The Gold Standard Foundation.
SusTec present at both US coasts

While Joern Huenteler and Falko Paetzold are currently at Harvard, Tobias Schmidt re-joined Stanford.
SusTec researcher presenting at UNFCCC Africa workshop

Tobias Schmidt speaks at this year’s African Regional workshop on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, which brings together experts from ministries of almost 30 African countries in Namibia’s capital Windhoek.
SusTec paper featured by Network for Business Sustainability

As the result of being selected as runners-up for the "Research Impact on Practice Award", a paper by SusTec researchers Joern Hoppmann, Michael Peters, Malte Schneider and Volker Hoffmann is featured on the website of the Network for Business Sustainability.
Congratulations Dr. Sabine Erlinghagen

After the successful examination of her dissertation, SusTec congratulates Dr. sc. Sabine Erlinghagen on her doctoral degree.
Former SusTec Master Student enters final of the IET Present Around The World competition

After having won the Swiss edition of the "PATW" in May, Laura Barrabia Gil also convinced the IET jury in Dublin. As regional finalist of the "Europe, Middle East and Africa" region Laura will participate in the Global Finals on November 19th in London.
Congratulations Dr. Benedikt Battke

After the successful examination of his dissertation, SusTec congratulates Dr. sc. Benedikt Battke on his doctoral degree.
SusTec researchers awarded at Academy of Management Annual Meeting

SusTec researchers received several awards at this year's Academy of Management Meeting in Phildalhpia, August 1-5.
SusTec researcher wins "Founders’ Award"

Falko Paetzold received the "Founders’ Award" of the Society for Business Ethics
SusTec researcher invited to speak at conference

SusTec researcher Bastien Girod was invited to the Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology on the integration of embodied emissions into climate policy
SusTec is hiring

SusTec invites applications for 2-4 positions at the postdoctoral researcher level
MTEC Students win 1st Swiss Social Impact Award

Students enrolled in MTEC’s “Sustainability Start-Up Seminar” won 3 out of 4 prizes, including CHF 8000 of Prize Money.
IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives 2014 features SusTec paper

A SusTec paper on the cost of battery storage in different stationary applications informed Section 7 (Electricity Storage)
SusTec replies to "Weltwoche"-article

SusTec researcher Bastien Girod demonstrates that solar power is by far more climate compatible than coal power
SusTec in Nature Climate Change

Nature Climate Change editorial features work by SusTec's Tobias Schmidt
SusTec team finishes SOLA 2014 relay with new record

With a new SusTec record of 9h 28min 02sec, a team of 14 SusTec members and alumni has finished the SOLA relay run in Zürich.
SusTec present at Global Climate Policy Conference

SusTec researchers Joern Huenteler and Tobias Schmidt were invited to London to attend the Global Climate Policy Conference
SusTec researcher to speak at UNFCCC’s Asia Pacific Regional Workshop

Tobias Schmidt was invited to speak at the United Nations climate secretariat’s Asia Pacific regional workshop on post-Kyoto policies (NAMAs).
SusTec researchers present at Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation Conference

Aoife Brophy Haney and Geng Wu both presented papers at the Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation conference
SusTec welcomes Keith Sue

Keith Sue is a PhD scholar from the Australian National University who is investigating institutional barriers to innovation in electricity markets
SusTec initiaties expert statement on German Renewable Energy Sources Act

SusTec together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), has initiated an expert statement which is supported by 17 renowned international researchers in the field of innovation research
New SusTec blog post

Jochen Markard blogs on ETH Future Blog: "Policy Change and the Energy Transition"
SusTec researcher wins award

Jan Ossenbrink wins best individual presentation award at the Second Internation Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science
sus.lab is hiring

We are looking for an intern and 2-3 student assistants for the newly founded Sustainability in Business Lab (‘sus.lab’)
SusTec on Zukunftsblog

ETH Zurich’s Zukunftsblog features a report by Tobias Schmidt on the role of technology in this year’s UN climate talks
SusTec researcher speaks at UNFCCC workshop

Tobias Schmidt was invited by the UN Climate Change Secretariat to present at a regional workshop for Latin America and Caribbean
SusTec researchers win award

Julian Kölbel and Falko Pätzold win awards at the PRI Conference in Paris
SusTec at COP19

SusTec co-organizes side event at UN climate talks (COP19) in Warsaw/Poland
SusTec researchers at COP19 in Warsaw

SusTec Researchers Benedikt Battke, Joern Huenteler and Tobias Schmidt were participating in this year's UN climate talks (COP19).