SusTec News

Running around in Circles? Uncovering Barriers in Scaling Circular Business Models

New SusTec publication: Analyzing policy mixes for the circular plastics economy

Research, market and societal trends of sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations

SusTec welcomes Mara Moos as an intern!

Investigating policy and regulatory tools to improve the profitability of V2G in Switzerland

Understanding the Decline of Technologies to Accelerate Sustainability Transitions

SusTec welcomes Paula Baumann as a PhD student!

What influences the deployment of mechanical and chemical plastic recycling technologies?

How real are carbon credit emission reductions?

The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC5) failed to deliver a global treaty to end plastic pollution – Ricarda Fieber on site.

Circular Building Unconference – Building Circular Realities

New SusTec publication: Look before you leap: Are increased recycling efforts accelerating microplastic pollution?

SusTec welcomes Tatjana Zurbriggen as an intern!

SusTec at STEPS towards sustainable plastics conference, Lund

The age of the agent: Alejandro Nuñez-Jimenez wins Ambizione fellowship to develop agent-based models for energy systems

SusTec's Ricarda Fieber participates in Open-ended Expert Group Meeting in Thailand

SusTec welcomes Hareesh Singanallur Poovalagan as a project assistant!

SusTec welcomes Dr. Jenni Kaipainen as a senior researcher!

SusTec’s Alejandro Nuñez Jimenez Participates at Economists’ Workshop in Sicily

SusTec welcomes Emily Lennon as a project manager!

SusTec PhD candidate David Pfeffer joins PhD Honours Program AMBassadors for sustaInable transition (AMBITION)

SusTec PhD student Alberto Arcà speaks at Pint of Science festival

SusTec PhD candidate Ricarda Fieber to join Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty

Launch of phase II of NCCR Catalysis

New article on how to change the public perception of sustainable innovations – the case of Tesla

Innosuisse Flagship Launched to Transform Swiss Construction Industry

SusTec welcomes James Kneebone as a PhD student!

Collaborative Pathways to Circularity: 2023 Circular Building UnConference Recap

SusTec is a key partner in the Innosuisse Flagship on digital and circular construction

SusTec dives into a new format with its first teaching case study.

SusTec at the NZZ Real Estate Days

Celebrating the Success of ETH Week: Circular Realities

New article on optimal decarbonization strategies for existing districts

New article on the role of energy storage to decarbonize the German electricity system

SusTec welcomes Niklas Stolz as a PhD Student!

SusTec at the International Sustainability Conference, Utrecht

SusTec Welcomes Dr. Barbara Dankwa-Egli as New Teaching Coordinator!

Dr. Siobhan Powell awarded ETH Postdoc Fellowship

Voluntary carbon offsets often fail to deliver what they promise

SusTec is content partner for ETH Week: Circular Realities

SusTec welcomes Aliénor von Roten as new project manager at sus.lab

New article on an integrated environmental-economic circular economy assessment applied to the case of expanded polystyrene

New article on the effectiveness of building retrofits under a subsidy scheme

SusTec welcomes Denise Reike as new researcher

SusTec welcomes Dr. Miriam Ries as project management officer

Research project on climate finance gets awarded the HSG Impact Award and gets recognized as one of 10 outstanding global AI solutions by the UNESCO

New article on decarbonization strategies for real estate portfolios considering retrofitting investments and policy conditions

New article published on the dynamics of inter-organizational collaboration along the value chain in the transition to a circular economy

Nature Energy article wins the American Energy Society’s Best Paper Award 2022 for a general audience

New article on Energy Policy shows how community solar policy can increase PV adoption in cities

New practitioner article provides recommendations for businesses and industry for successful circular economy transformations

New letter on Science argues for more support for climate policy researchers

SusTec welcomes Ricarda Fieber as new project manager at sus.lab@SusTec

New article on behavioral aspects of the spatial–temporal flexibility of electric vehicle charging

Dr. Jochen Markard highly cited researcher – again!

New article exploring complementor strategies for innovation ecosystems

SusTec welcomes Alessio Walter as new MSc Student

The first Circular Building UnConference 2022 was a great success!

SusTec kicks off project on co-designing policy-mixes and energy systems for decarbonization

How will Artificial Intelligence transform the development sector and how can organizations best adopt such technologies to target sustainable development more effectively?

New article examining technology-push and demand-pull policies in the solar photovoltaic industry in Germany published in Research Policy.

New article on a consistent and replicable estimation of bilateral climate finance published in Nature Climate Change

SusTec welcomes Anja Rusch as new MSc Student

New paper in "Circular Economy and Sustainability" titled “Measuring the Economic Impacts of a Circular Economy: an Evaluation of Indicators”

SusTec welcomes Siobhan Powell as new Senior Researcher

SusTec welcomes Hauke Luetkehaus as new visiting PhD Student

Report on decarbonizing the Swiss Cement Industry published by sus.lab

SusTec welcomes Lisa Mangertseder as new visiting MSc Student

SusTec welcomes David Pfeffer as new PhD candidate

SusTec welcomes Martynas Bagdonas as new project manager at sus.lab

SusTec welcomes Mikel Liu as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Maximilian Elsen as visiting PhD student

SusTec welcomes Lucas Miehé as Senior Researcher

SusTec welcomes Jesvy Kalapurayil as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Lisa Lambert as new project manager at sus.lab

SusTec welcomes Sophie Führer as new project manager at sus.lab

SusTec welcomes Alberto Arca' as new PhD candidate

Two SusTec Lectures featured at ETH’s Innovations in Teaching and Learning Fair

SusTec welcomes Amartya Mukherjee as new MSc Student

New article published in “Nature Sustainability” on enabling a global monitoring of development aid with machine learning

SusTec welcomes Oliver Gross as new MSc Student

New paper in "Applied Energy" on optimal building retrofits considering energy demand and supply

Review of model-based electricity system transition scenarios: An analysis for Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy”, Thimet and Mavromatidis, 2022

New article by Sebastian Kahlert and Catharina R. Bening published in Resource, Conservation and Recycling

SusTec welcomes Pip Stam as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Sebastian Porras Aparicio as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Alicia Lerbinger as new PhD candidate

SusTec welcomes David Gut as new working student at sus.lab

SusTec welcomes Oliver Akeret as new project manager at sus.lab

SusTec welcomes Arnau Aliana as new PhD candidate

SusTec student Johannes Wüllenweber receives SAEE Student Award 2021 for his Master Thesis

New paper in "Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability" on real estate decarbonization

SusTec welcomes Anna Guenat as new project manager at sus.lab

New paper in Nature Energy on global trends in the invention and diffusion of climate change mitigation technologies

SusTec welcomes Gian Luca Gehwolf as new MSc Student

New article on plastics recycling in developing countries published in the Journal of Cleaner Production

SusTec welcomes Martí Martínez de Morentin Cardoner as new MSc Student

New paper in EIST on the German Coal Phase-Out

SusTec welcomes Gudrun Thorsdottir as new MSc Student

Carbon Removal ClimAccelerator launches officially

SusTec welcomes Katharina Wildgruber as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Emily Elsner as new Affiliate

New article on Vehicle-to-X (V2X) implementation and its challenges

SusTec welcomes Alicia Lerbinger as new MSc Student

"From "Scientific Activist" to "Activist Scientist" - Amanda and Johannes organize All-Academy PDW to bring Managers back into Management Research

Christof Knoeri discusses decentral renewable energy systems

SusTec receives Innovedum Grant to revamp core course on Corporate Sustainability

SusTec welcomes Anita Ni as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Sophie Führer as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Johannes Wüllenweber as new MSc Student

New article by researchers from SusTec accepted for publication in Energy & Buildings

SusTec welcomes Gabriella Takács as new MSc Student

Giacomo Melegati receives ETH Medal for outstanding Master thesis

New paper in Journal of Operations Management

New article by researchers from SusTec and the University of Cambridge on external knowledge in lithium-ion battery innovations published in iScience

New report on the state of the plastics recycling industry

New practitioner article published on the potential and challenges of bidirectional charging

New article by Joern Hoppmann on funding of research institutes published in Research Policy

Johannes Meuer receives award for excellent teaching

Congratulations Dr. des Schwarz!

Upcoming Reserach Seminar with Paul Adler (University of Southern California) on “Socialism is on the agenda for management research”

SusTec welcomes Mohamed Wade as new MSc Student

New article on how deployment policies affect innovation in complementary technologies

SusTec welcomes Willem Laumen as new MSc Student

ETH Academy 2020 - Understanding technological, organizational, and institutional processes for sustainability

SusTec welcomes Arber Sejdiji as new research assistant

Marian Krüger joins sus.lab as Project Manager

SusTec welcomes Aaron Schnydrig as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Qing Xu as new MSc Student

Congratulations Dr. des Nuñez-Jimenez!

Five Challenges in the Acceleration of Sustainability Transitions

New article on integrating renewables with Power-to-Hydrogen seasonal energy storage, published in Applied Energy

SusTec researchers publish new report on digital trends in the building industry

New article on “System Integration of Variable Renewable Energies”, published in Applied Energy

COVID-19 impacts academic interaction

ETS as a Trojan Horse?

A tale of two crises

SusTec and sus.lab welcome Dianne Hondeborg

SusTec welcomes Leandro Morales as new MSc Student

Plastics recycling after the global pandemic: resurgence or regression?

Science: A COVID-19 recovery for climate

Can we save the climate with nuclear power?

PNAS Opinion: Why Carbon Pricing is not sufficient

New study on the successful phase-out of coal in the UK

New article on “Deployment Policy Design“ published by Environmental Research Letters

SusTec project on digital building technologies featured in ‘haustech’

New SusTec seminar: Business Models for a Circular Economy

SusTec welcomes Tudor Profir as new MSc Student

SusTec welcomes Sebastian Kahlert

SusTec Project on Digital Building Technologies featured in BFE info video

SusTec researcher speaks at high-level IEA innovation workshop

New article on „Building decarbonization“ published by Journal of Cleaner Production

Guest Lecture with Professor James Mahoney on "The Logic of Critical Event Analysis”

SusTec welcomes Benjamin Ueltschi

New article on "Strategic Technology Framing" published by Research Policy

Opportunity to collaborate with SusTec

New article published

From research to action- Advice from four experts

Welcome to Giacomo Melegati

SusTec article published in the Journal of Business Venturing

McGill launches Sustainability Transitions initiative

SusTec and ESD researchers discuss a circular building industry in a podium and a short movie

New semester project student – Ramon Vogel

Energy Blog @ ETH Zurich co-founded by two SusTec PhDs

Laura Rutishauser joined SusTec for her Master Thesis on “Policy impact on optimal MES design”

Zsofia Kovacs has started her semester project at SusTec

Paula Thimet joins SusTec as a PhD candidate

New semester project student - Aaron Schnydrig

Christine Gschwendtner joined the Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD Candidate

SusTec welcomes Anna Kulakovskaya as a new PhD candidate

SusTec and ESD researchers examine and discuss the dimensions of a sustainable circular economy in “die Volkswirtschaft”

Welcome Dianne!

News article in physicsworld on recent SusTec publication

Hello Remo Diethelm

Turning companies into allies

SusTec researchers present their work at the CISBAT conference in Lausanne

SusTec publishes a comprehensive review of challenges and solution technologies for the integration of variable renewables

SusTec publishes an analysis on the development of risk and return for renewable power generation portfolios

EGOS Sub-theme proposal on “Sustainability Transitions” accepted for EGOS 2020 in Hamburg

On the Nature of Corporate Sustainability

Welcome to Stefan Gahrens

ETH Academy 2019 - The next phase of sustainable development

Insights from low-carbon energy transitions

SusTec Researchers present their work at 10th IST conference in Ottawa

EnergieSchweiz has approved a SusTec/Sus.Lab project proposal

SusTec welcomes Angela Small at visiting PhD student from Leeds University

SusTec turns 15 and performs well at SOLA 2019

SusTec welcomes Georgios Mavromatidis

SusTec research in the media

SusTec is welcoming Franz Radke

Sali Joel Dunant

SusTec Researchers present their work at 4th NEST conference in Lisbon

The Foundation of German Business awards scholarship to SusTec’s PhD candidate Marianne

Welcome to Nicholas Eyring

The UK’s transition to a low carbon economy: progress so far and challenges ahead

SusTec welcomes Mustafa Bayansalduz

EGOS Sub-theme proposal on “Untangling the Complexity of Grand Challenges” accepted for EGOS 2020 in Hamburg

SusTec is offering a Master Thesis

New article published in Business & Society

SusTec is welcoming Laura Beyeler

Sus.lab developed a sustainability strategy with the Schweizer Salinen based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Innovative and Industrial Construction (Thu, 7 March)

SusTec welcomes Lukas Falcke

SusTec researchers present idea of a Sustainable Circular Economy at NRP73 Annual Program Conference

New article published in Energy Policy

SusTec article accepted for publication in Organization Science

Updated STRN research agenda published

How to integrate high shares of solar photovoltaics?

MTEC Foundation Grant Awarded

SusTec invites to a Research Seminar with Jonatan Pinkse

Review article on decentralized energy systems published

Sustainability Transitions Network with new chairman and board

SusTec’s Fabian Rottmann wins this year's SAEE Student Award in the category Master Thesis

SusTec is looking for a PhD student

11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology - Call for Papers open until 15 March 2019

Prof. Volker Hoffmann receives award for excellent teaching

New Special Issue in Organization & Environment

RDES Guidelines for successful Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES)

SusTec welcomes Amanda as a Senior Researcher

Article on future energy storage systems in Swiss neighborhoods published

Sali Quentin Auzepy

New SNSF project granted

Centralized or decentralized?

Evan Petkov joins the SusTec team as a Phd student

Sus.lab welcomes Inese Zepa as new Project Manager

This year again! International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2018

New business models for diaper and mattress recycling at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany

SusTec welcomes Dimitra Vlaskou Badra

New Article on the Life Cycle of Technological Innovation Systems (TIS)

Congratulations Dr. David Grosspietsch

SusTec welcomes Julia Reinschmidt as new team member at sus.lab

Johannes Meuer receives the OMT ABCD Award

SusTec welcomes Marianne Kuhlmann as a PhD candidate

Congratulations Dr. Fanny Frei

Julija Gergek joins SusTec as a PhD candidate

SusTec’s Hendrik Clausdeinken receives Willi Studer Prize and ETH Medal 2018

Integrating Technologies, Policies and Strategies for a Sustainable Economy

New Article Published: Liquidity in green power markets – An international review

SusTec welcomes Yan Zhang

New Article Published: Leaders or Laggards? The evolution of electric utilities’ business portfolios during the energy transition

SusTec article accepted for publication at Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)

SusTec shares their insights on the role of utilities in the energy transition at in Luzern

The next phase of the energy transition

Great team performance at SOLA 2018

SusTec Researcher Christof Knoeri interviewed by Phase 5

SusTec’s Corporate Sustainability lecture among the KITE Award finalists

New Article Published in Business Strategy and the Environment

SusTec is looking for Postdoctoral Researchers

SusTec welcomes Karoliina Isoaho from Helsinki

SusTec welcomes Jakob Pruess as new PhD student

Teaching Climate Change made easy!

SusTec welcomes Marija Spokaite as new team member at sus.lab

SusTec and MTEC’s Teaching Innovation lab organize MIT’s “World Climate: Negotiating a Global Climate Change Agreement”

Inspirational talk of SusTec researcher at SDSN Switzerland Launch Conference

Article on energy self-sufficient neighborhoods published

Leveraging the potential of solar PV for refugees and host communities - report released

SusTec Project “Energy turnaround and Technical Regulation (EnTeR)" has been approved to be funded

SusTec welcomes Petrissa Eckle as new head of sus.lab

How to Convince a Critical Reader in Six Sentences

Practitioner article on Multi-Energy-Hubs

Journal of Product and Innovation Management promotes SusTec researcher

SusTec welcomes Christina Nakhle

SusTec proposal “Towards A sustainable CircuLar Economy – Combining a material flow with a business and policy perspective” (TACLE) has been approved to be funded by NFP 73

SusTec's Joern Hoppmann wins ONE Best Paper Award at Academy of Management Annual Meeting

SusTec welcomes Allan Dahl Andersen

Organizations in Sustainability Transitions

SusTec and the Sustainable Energy Initiative at Stanford Graduate School of Business co-host moderated panel discussion with industry leaders on Innovation in the Energy Industry

How does policy affect the size of residential solar PV systems and what does it mean for the energy transition?

SusTec welcomes Agnieszka Rozniak and Marissa Saenger

10th Anniversary of the ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology: Exchange of Ideas on Innovation for Sustainability

Kathleen Eisenhardt (Stanford) to give a talk on strategy formation at ETH

Strong finish of SusTec team at SOLA 2017

Congratulations Dr. Jan Ossenbrink

New article on sectoral knowledge creation for lithium-ion batteries published

Nature Energy editorial mentions article co-authored by SusTec

SusTec featured in the official magazine of the Swiss Int. Air Lines

Brokers could lower the risks in green power markets

Peak Session of SCCER FEEB&D: Kick-off Phase II (2017-2020)

Why energy forecasts often fail

SusTec researcher joins editorial board.

Congratulations Dr. Annegret Stephan

SusTec researcher wins 3rd price of this year's SAEE Student Award

Welcome to SusTec Alejandro Nuñez Jimenez

SusTec (ETH), die Ernst Schweizer AG und Greenbuzz laden ein!

Sustec educators win PRI Prize for Best Pedagogical Innovation Award 2016

Methodological article on Integrating QCA and HLM for Multilevel Research on Organizational Configurations published in Organizational Research Methods

Impact Hub Zurich – Sustainable Cities and Communities event

SusTec researchers publish article on the development of scientific knowledge of Multi-energy systems.

SusTec researchers write article for AEE Suisse on multi-energy systems in Switzerland

Double Trouble: Latest Sustec PhD Dissertation wins two Awards

Article on complementarities published

SusTec's Annegret Stephan writes for ETH Zukunftsblog

Energy Transition 2.0

9th Annual ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology: Exchange of ideas on Innovation for Sustainability.

Article on investment attractiveness of batteries combining applications published

MIT’s Jessika Trancik to talk about the future of renewable energy markets at ETH

Strong finish of SusTec team at SOLA 2016

Erik Jentges is the new Educational Developer at D-MTEC!

Dr. Johannes Meuer won Best Paper Award

SusTec's David Grosspietsch qualifies for 2016 Ironman World Championship in Hawaii

Welcome to SusTec Marius Schwarz

Cooperation between SusTec and University College London

Article on patenting and open innovation in solar industry published

Article on Technological Knowledge in Wind Power published

Volker Hoffmann appointed to the Energy Science Center Managing Board

Dr. Sabine Erlinghagen writes for ETH's Zukunftsblog

Article on battery storage published

Congratulations Dr. Julian Kölbel

SusTec team members escape the prison and face icy waters

Successful first edition of the Energy Startup Day

Article on Challenges for Wind Farms in Switzerland published

Legitimacy is key for new technologies

3rd International QCA Expert Workshop 2015

New Research Policy Paper on Knowledge Spillovers

New SusTec paper on Solar PV

Energy Startup Day on November 4th, 2015

New articles on Technological Innovation Systems

Congratulations Dr. Tillmann Lang

Fanny Frei writes for ETH's Zukunftsblog

Welcome to SusTec Ann-Kristin Zobel

Call for Papers – 3rd International QCA Expert Workshop

8th Annual ETH PhD-Academy: Energy Innovation Insights from Around the Globe

MTEC Students win Swiss Social Impact Award 2015

Congratulations Dr. Florian Naegele

Erik Jentges joins SusTec

SusTec team successfully finishes SOLA 2015 relay

Transitions and Policy Change: SPRU working paper

Insights for practicioners from SusTec Research featured in VSE Bulletin

Layers of Co-Existing Innovation Systems: New Article by Johannes Meuer

Congratulations Dr. Falko Paetzold

Challenges of planning wind farms in Switzerland: new article by Fanny Frei

Three SusTec team members finish the famous Engadin Skimarathon 2015

SusTec Welcomes Dr. Johannes Meuer as New Senior Researcher

Actors in the Energy Transition

Congratulations Dr. Jörn Hünteler

Tobias Schmidt to become Assistant Professor of Energy Politics

Annegret Stephan Wins Best Presentation Award

SusTec's Tobias Schmidt blogs about UN climate talks in Lima

Successful Completion of Research Project on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

What's it like to work at MTEC's Group for Sustainability and Technology?

Renewables: To Store Or Not To Store?

SusTec researcher wins 2nd prize of this year's SAEE Student Award

Two SusTec members contribute to book release about Women shaping the Swiss Energy Future

SusTec acts as lead organizer for COP side event

SusTec present at both US coasts

SusTec researcher presenting at UNFCCC Africa workshop

SusTec paper featured by Network for Business Sustainability

Congratulations Dr. Sabine Erlinghagen

Former SusTec Master Student enters final of the IET Present Around The World competition

Congratulations Dr. Benedikt Battke

SusTec researchers awarded at Academy of Management Annual Meeting

SusTec researcher wins "Founders’ Award"

SusTec researcher invited to speak at conference

SusTec is hiring

MTEC Students win 1st Swiss Social Impact Award

IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives 2014 features SusTec paper

SusTec replies to "Weltwoche"-article

SusTec in Nature Climate Change

SusTec team finishes SOLA 2014 relay with new record

SusTec present at Global Climate Policy Conference

SusTec researcher to speak at UNFCCC’s Asia Pacific Regional Workshop

SusTec researchers present at Ethics, Technology and Organizational Innovation Conference

SusTec welcomes Keith Sue

SusTec initiaties expert statement on German Renewable Energy Sources Act

New SusTec blog post

SusTec researcher wins award

sus.lab is hiring

SusTec on Zukunftsblog

SusTec researcher speaks at UNFCCC workshop

SusTec researchers win award

SusTec at COP19

SusTec researchers at COP19 in Warsaw

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