Erik Jentges joins SusTec
SusTec welcomes a new team member: Dr. Erik Jentges has joined to help in redesigning our flagship lecture on "Corporate Sustainability".

Erik recently returned from a four months stay as Swiss Scholar at the Wilson Center, one of the largest US think tanks in Washington, DC. He brings in his experience in teaching that he gained from numerous didactica courses at ETH and UZH and from more than ten years as lecturer and trainer with formal and non-formal education formats in universities and non-profit organizations. As an interdisciplinary scholar of sociology, political science and media studies, Erik also brings in an additional perspective to sustainability issues. When he is not busy on the redesign of the lecture and integrating critical thinking elements, he is writing up research for his book project on "Dynamics of Charismatic Leadership". If you are interested, feel free to get in contact with him: