SusTec’s Hendrik Clausdeinken receives Willi Studer Prize and ETH Medal 2018
Hendrik Clausdeinken has been awarded the Willi Studer Prize 2018 for the best master’s degree in Energy Science and Technology and the ETH Medal 2018 for his master’s thesis on “Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) – Hot air or a real option?”

In his master’s thesis, Hendrik has analyzed the profitability of the technology “vehicle-to-grid (V2G)” which could allow owners of electric vehicles to generate profit with the help of ancillary services in electricity markets. For the analysis, the thesis uses a new methodological combination of battery aging simulation and price predictions for lithium-ion batteries as well as financial analysis.
The Download Willi Studer Prize has been awarded since 1993 to the best student in each ETH Zurich Master’s degree program whereas the Download ETH Medal is awarded for outstanding Master and Doctoral theses.
Currently, Hendrik and his former master’s thesis supervisor Annegret Stephan are working towards an academic publication to make the results and new methodology accessible for academia and practice.