SusTec’s Fabian Rottmann wins this year's SAEE Student Award in the category Master Thesis
The Swiss Association for Energy Economics (SAEE) awards Fabian Rottmann with this year’s price for his Master thesis “Spreading the use of responsive adjustment mechanisms for renewable energy deployment policies: An agent-based modelling cross-country evaluation”.
SusTec is looking for a PhD student
We are looking for a PhD student in the field of stationary and mobile energy storage.
11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology - Call for Papers open until 15 March 2019
The interplay between policies, technologies, and organizations in the next phase of sustainable development – this is the focus of the 11th ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology.
Prof. Volker Hoffmann receives award for excellent teaching
Professor Volker Hoffmann was awarded VSETH's Golden Owl 2018 for the MTEC Department.
New Special Issue in Organization & Environment
Timo Busch and Jens Hamprecht from SusTec have published the article "Value(s) for Whom? Creating Value(s) for Stakeholders".
RDES Guidelines for successful Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES)
SusTec and HSLU researchers continue working on a collection of Guidelines for Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES).
SusTec welcomes Amanda as a Senior Researcher
Amanda Williams joins Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in October 2018 as a Senior Researcher.
Article on future energy storage systems in Swiss neighborhoods published
Researchers from Empa’s Urban Energy Systems Lab and SusTec have evaluated and compared different storage systems in Swiss neighborhood applications of decentralized energy systems from 2015 to 2050.
Sali Quentin Auzepy
We welcome Quentin, who has started writing his master’s thesis at SusTec this week.
New SNSF project granted
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) approved our project proposal "Unpacking pathways to corporate sustainability” for a three year funding period.
Centralized or decentralized?
A new paper by Marie Byskov Lindberg, Jochen Markard and Allan Dahl Andersen analyses the policy mix and actor positions in EU energy policy.
Evan Petkov joins the SusTec team as a Phd student
Evan Petkov joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in September 2018 as a PhD candidate
Sus.lab welcomes Inese Zepa as new Project Manager
Inese started her PhD in Prof. Ambühl’s group on negotiation and conflict management in September 2018 and will spend 30% of her time with sus.lab.
This year again! International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2018
Johannes Meuer offers an International QCA Paper Development Workshop in November 2018. The workshop provides a platform for researchers working on papers involving QCA to meet QCA experts, get feedback on their on-going research, and learn about the latest methodological developments.
New business models for diaper and mattress recycling at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany
SusTec had the pleasure to offer a workshop on Circular Economy Solutions at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany, in August 2018. An interdisciplinary group of 18 students from various European universities spent 6 days working on innovative solutions to reduce waste generated by throw-away products under the guidance of Prof. Volker Hoffmann, Dr. Petrissa Eckle and Jakob Prüss.
SusTec welcomes Dimitra Vlaskou Badra
Dimitra will write her master thesis on the topic of timber for high rise buildings.
New Article on the Life Cycle of Technological Innovation Systems (TIS)
A new conceptual paper by Jochen Markard suggests using the TIS framework not just for emerging but also for mature, and even declining technologies.
Congratulations Dr. David Grosspietsch
We congratulate David Grosspietsch for the successful completion and defense of his doctoral thesis entitled “Fostering Technological Change for a Sustainable Built Environment: The Role of Policy, System Design and Performance” on July 27th, 2018.
SusTec welcomes Julia Reinschmidt as new team member at sus.lab
Julia joins the Sustainability in Business lab (sus.lab) - an initiative of SusTec
Johannes Meuer receives the OMT ABCD Award
Johannes receives the Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Reviewing Award from the OMT Division of the Academy of Management.
SusTec welcomes Marianne Kuhlmann as a PhD candidate
Marianne joins the Group for Sustainability and Technology in June 2018 as a PhD candidate on Circular Economy.
Congratulations Dr. Fanny Frei
We congratulate Fanny Frei for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation entitled “Incumbents In The Energy Transition: How Electric Utilities Adapt To Their Changing Business Environment” on July, 3rd 2018.
Julija Gergek joins SusTec as a PhD candidate
The Group for Sustainability and Technology welcomes Julia as a PhD candidate in Corporate Sustainability.
SusTec’s Hendrik Clausdeinken receives Willi Studer Prize and ETH Medal 2018
Hendrik Clausdeinken has been awarded the Willi Studer Prize 2018 for the best master’s degree in Energy Science and Technology and the ETH Medal 2018 for his master’s thesis on “Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) – Hot air or a real option?”
Integrating Technologies, Policies and Strategies for a Sustainable Economy
An interdisciplinary group of 19 researchers from 11 different nations spent 5 days in the Swiss Alps for the 11th annual ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology, hosted by SusTec.
New Article Published: Liquidity in green power markets – An international review
SusTec researchers Fanny Frei, Allister Loder, and Catharina Bening have published a new article in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews that reviews green power markets worldwide with regard to their liquidity.
SusTec welcomes Yan Zhang
Yan Zhang joined the Group for Sustainability and Technology in June 2018 for his Master's thesis in Integrated Building Systems MSc. at ETH Zurich. In his thesis, he evaluates the potential of innovative technologies and identifies the business opportunities for building facade systems.
New Article Published: Leaders or Laggards? The evolution of electric utilities’ business portfolios during the energy transition
SusTec researchers Fanny Frei, Simon Sinsel, Ahmed Hanafy, and Jörn Hoppmann have published a new article in Energy Policy that investigates changes in business portfolios of the biggest electric utilities worldwide during the energy transition.
SusTec article accepted for publication at Academy of Management Journal (AMJ)
A new article by SusTec researchers Joern Hoppmann, Florian Naegele, and Bastien Girod, which studies the role of boards of directors for organizational inertia in times of environmental discontinuities, was recently accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ).
SusTec shares their insights on the role of utilities in the energy transition at neo.forum in Luzern
On June 7th 2018 SusTec researcher Simon Sinsel will lead a workshop on the role of large electric utilities in the energy transition. Simon will present and discuss two studies from SusTec researchers with industry representatives at the forum.
The next phase of the energy transition
This new perspectives article from SusTec researcher Jochen Markard in Nature Energy argues that we are currently entering a new stage of the energy transition that is qualitatively different from the first phase.
Great team performance at SOLA 2018
With a total time of 10h 01min, the SusTec team successfully covered the running course of 114km finishing 350th overall.
SusTec Researcher Christof Knoeri interviewed by Phase 5
SusTec Researcher Christof Knoeri answers a couple of research and non-research related questions in the “Feierabendgespräch” of the second Edition of the 2018 Phase 5 Journal.
SusTec’s Corporate Sustainability lecture among the KITE Award finalists
The SusTec' Corporate Sustainability lecture participated in the finals of this years KITE award 2018. In total, 27 teaching concepts from every department of the University were submitted. Four were shortlisted – among them the Corporate Sustainability lecture.
New Article Published in Business Strategy and the Environment
Together with two colleagues from the University of Hamburg, SusTec researcher Joern Hoppmann has published a new article that investigates the role of external change agents for corporate sustainability.
SusTec is looking for Postdoctoral Researchers
The Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) searches for 1-2 Postdoctoral Researchers with quantitative modelling experience in the field of technological and institutional change in the energy sector.
SusTec welcomes Karoliina Isoaho from Helsinki
Karoliina joins our group as a visiting scholar to work with Jochen Markard on industry decline in the energy transition.
SusTec welcomes Jakob Pruess as new PhD student
Jakob joins the TACLE project (NFP 73) as a PhD student. He will investigate circular economy policies, in particular how policy framework conditions such as regulations affect innovative activities of firms towards a closed-loop economy.
Teaching Climate Change made easy!
Teaching anyone properly about Climate Change is a difficult task. On 19 March 2018, SusTec played “The World Climate Simulation” an innovative teaching simulation developed by the MIT think tank spin-off Climate Interactive and facilitated by Prof. Dr. Florian Kapmeier.
SusTec welcomes Marija Spokaite as new team member at sus.lab
Prior to sus.lab, Marija spent several years working for impact investment funds in microfinance, agriculture and climate and provided part-time support to sustainability-driven start-ups
SusTec and MTEC’s Teaching Innovation lab organize MIT’s “World Climate: Negotiating a Global Climate Change Agreement”
On 19 March, SusTec has invited Florian Kapmeier, Professor of System Dynamics at ESB. Together with Florian, we will experience an innovative simulation on “World Climate: Negotiating a Global Climate Change Agreement.”
Inspirational talk of SusTec researcher at SDSN Switzerland Launch Conference
On the SDSN Switzerland Launch Conference SusTec senior researcher Nicola Blum gives an inspirational talk on how research can support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and on the role of collaboration therein.
Article on energy self-sufficient neighborhoods published
Researchers from SusTec have assessed the how, when and where of self-sufficient energy supply to a solar-powered neighborhood.
Leveraging the potential of solar PV for refugees and host communities - report released
In a new report, SusTec researchers shed light on the drivers and barriers of solar PV in three settlements managed by the UN refugee agency. Focusing on the case of water pumping, they find that solar PV systems may provide a viable alternative to conventional forms of electricity supply. However, to leverage the potential of solar PV, several technical, institutional, financial, and social aspects need to be taken into account.