New business models for diaper and mattress recycling at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany
SusTec had the pleasure to offer a workshop on Circular Economy Solutions at the German National Academic Foundation’s “Praxisakademie” in Koppelsberg, Germany, in August 2018. An interdisciplinary group of 18 students from various European universities spent 6 days working on innovative solutions to reduce waste generated by throw-away products under the guidance of Prof. Volker Hoffmann, Dr. Petrissa Eckle and Jakob Prüss.

Diapers and mattresses account for 5-10% of residual waste generation in developed countries. Current disposal systems do not allow for other treatments than thermal utilization, i.e. incineration. The workshop’s objective was to create sustainable business models for diaper and mattress design, manufacturing, marketing, sales, waste recovery and recycling that enable closing material loops and increase resource efficiency. Students first mapped out respective challenges (who is affected? What’s the history? Obstacles to change?) contrasted with the current landscape of solutions (models of change? Opportunities? Future impact?). Students subsequently derived existing gaps between challenges and solutions as a basis to identify their own business model ideas. As part of the varied program, the group also visited a waste incineration plant and the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) to learn more about marine plastic debris and microplastics.
The business ideas - ranging from home composters for diapers to modularized mattresses - were pitched to fictitious venture capitalists on the final day… and received rapturous applause! We thank all participants and the German National Academic Foundation for making the “Praxisakademie” such a success.