Sus Tec researchers organize a panel discussion “From Research to Action: Working Together for a Sustainable Future”
Join us for the debate on Wednesday, October 16th

Whether driven by a personal interest in activism, increasing pressure from funding institutions, or public demand, scholars increasingly want to make the practical relevance of their work clear. Especially when it comes to research on critical topics such as social and environmental sustainability, researchers are now expected and often want to combine academic rigor with real world impact. However, how to do so is often unclear.
Likewise, sustainability often entails collaborating with different stakeholder groups across sectors. Partnerships between sustainability professionals and academic researchers can offer exciting research-based opportunities to address sustainability challenges. But bridging the divide between research and practice can be complicated, and many challenges arise when applying research to create solutions for sustainability issues.
The aim of this panel discussion is to provide inspiring examples of how research can be effectively applied to enhance the sustainability of our society and natural environment. The panel will focus on real-world examples and combine insights from both academics and practitioners. The panelists will share experiences from their work bridging research with action then the audience will have time to ask the panel questions. Following the panel there will be a networking opportunity with drinks and light snacks.
- Christoph Kuhnhanss, Vice President, Consciente
- Maria Rosa Mondardini, Managing Director, Citizen Science Center Zürich
- Adina Rom, Executive Director ETH for Development (ETH4D), Founder and CEO Policy Analytics Switzerland
- Michael Stauffacher, TdLab, Department Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zürich
Time and Location
- Date & Time: Wednesday, October 16, 17:30-19:00, apéro (drinks and light snacks) following the panel
- Location: Senatszimmer, KOL-E-13 EV, University of Zurich
- Registration: external page Register by October 8th
The event will be held in English. Childcare can be organized, if requested before September 23rd. Panel Discussion sponsored by the or of the Career Elixier Peer Mentoring Group.