SusTec and ESD researchers discuss a circular building industry in a podium and a short movie

Together with representatives from a material producer and an engineering company, Christof Knoeri (SusTec) and Maja Wipraechtiger (ESD) elaborated at the CISBAT conference on how circular concrete and insulation materials currently are handled and where different material loops could be closed.
New semester project student – Ramon Vogel

He will do his research on the topic of Large-scale investors’ motivations and barriers for building energy retrofitting.
Energy Blog @ ETH Zurich co-founded by two SusTec PhDs

Evan and Alejandro, along with PhDs and Post-Docs from 7 other groups at ETH Zurich and the Energy Science Center, launch a new platform for energy discussions.
Laura Rutishauser joined SusTec for her Master Thesis on “Policy impact on optimal MES design”

In her thesis she will assess the possibility of extending and using current state-of-the-art models used for optimal MES designs to identify the optimal types and levels of policy support for specific MES technologies.
Zsofia Kovacs has started her semester project at SusTec

She will work together with Christof, Paula and Georgios on the topic of stationary battery storage for grid applications.
Paula Thimet joins SusTec as a PhD candidate

Paula Thimet joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD candidate on modelling of energy-systems.
New semester project student - Aaron Schnydrig

He will do his research on the interplay between building retrofits and the profitability of district heating networks.
Sus Tec researchers organize a panel discussion “From Research to Action: Working Together for a Sustainable Future”

Join us for the debate on Wednesday, October 16th
Christine Gschwendtner joined the Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD Candidate

She investigates how low-carbon technologies, such as electric vehicles, heat pumps, storage, and distributed generation, can be incorporated in future distribution networks, using quantitative and qualitative research methods.
SusTec welcomes Anna Kulakovskaya as a new PhD candidate

Anna joined Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Group for Sustainability and Technology in September 2019 as a PhD candidate on Circular Economy
SusTec and ESD researchers examine and discuss the dimensions of a sustainable circular economy in “die Volkswirtschaft”

The authors propose a holistic definition and measurement of a sustainable circular economy, linking material circularity with environmental and economic sustainability. The inherent trade-offs and rebounds are discussed and illustrated at the example of the recycling of PET and glass bottles in Switzerland.
Welcome Dianne!

Dianne Hondeborg joined SusTec for writing her Master Thesis on “Going climate positive – what would it take for a large corporate?”
News article in physicsworld on recent SusTec publication

Put solar photovoltaics (PV) on the roof of your house and it’s win-win? News article in physicsworld summarizes recent SusTec publication and interview with author.
Hello Remo Diethelm

Remo joined SusTec for his master’s thesis in Environmental Systems and Policy in September 2019
Turning companies into allies

Petrissa - Executive Director of sus.lab - shared her story of bridging SusTec research and industry on today's ETH front page
SusTec researchers present their work at the CISBAT conference in Lausanne

Studies on Power-to-Hydrogen seasonal energy storage and building energy regulations in Europe
SusTec publishes a comprehensive review of challenges and solution technologies for the integration of variable renewables

The interrelation matrix of challenges and solution technologies developed in the SusTec study provides important insights for business and policy makers.