SusTec welcomes Dr. Jenni Kaipainen as a senior researcher!
Jenni joined the group in August 2024 as a senior researcher at SusTec.

Jenni is a senior researcher in the Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH Zurich. She joined the group in August 2024.
Jenni’s research interests revolve around strategic development towards a sustainable circular economy and net zero through the management of business models, innovations, supply chains, and ecosystems. In exploring such topics, her methodological expertise is in qualitative case studies.
Jenni holds a double Doctor of Science with honors in Business and Technology from Tampere University (Finland) and Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Her earlier study background is from combined studies of Industrial Engineering and Management as well as Business Administration at Tampere University.
During her studies, Jenni worked in CERN (Switzerland) with innovation ecosystem analysis and project management, and she completed an exchange in Université de Bordeaux (France). Beyond ambitious research work, Jenni keeps engaging actively in various teaching and business development activities, such as contributing to advisory boards of sustainable start-ups.
Being originally from relatively flat Finland, Jenni now excitedly summits the mountains of Switzerland. In her free time, she also enjoys other outdoor activities and swimming.