SusTec invites to a Research Seminar with Jonatan Pinkse
Thursday, 7 February 2019: How firm-level business models induce change in an industry logic: A case study of the Dutch electricity industry.
The dominant logic of an industry refers to highly stable cognitive templates defining how value is being created, delivered and captured in this industry. This paper investigates how the dominant logic of an industry may change despite pressures towards maintenance. In particular, we investigate the role of business model innovation at the firm-level in changing the dominant logic of an industry. Our paper is a qualitative case study of the change in the dominant logic of the electricity industry in the Netherlands from 2000 to 2016. We find that the ability of business models to induce change in the dominant logic of an industry pertains to three mechanisms: creating an alternative logic, undermining the dominant logic, complementing the creation of an alternative logic. We further integrate these three mechanisms into a dynamic model of how business models induce change in the dominant logic of an industry. Our main contribution is to the business model literature. We contend that when an industry is mature, the creating mechanism is not sufficient to induce change in the dominant industry logic and that this mechanism has to be supplemented by undermining and complementing mechanisms.
About the speaker
Download Jonatan Pinkse is Professor of Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the Alliance Manchester Business School of the University of Manchester. Jonatan has authored more than 30 scholarly and practitioner articles in such journals as Academy of Management Review, Research Policy, California Management Review, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, and Journal of International Business Studies. He has also co-authored the book International Business and Global Climate Change and edited special issues of California Management Review and Business Strategy and the Environment. He currently sits on the editorial board of European Management Journal, Business Strategy and the Environment, and Organization and Environment. Jonatan’s research interests focus on strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship in the areas of corporate sustainability, business responses to climate change, and renewable energy.