How to integrate high shares of solar photovoltaics?
SusTec’s new paper – published in the journal ‘Environmental Research Letters’ – evaluates how smart policies and battery storage can help to integrate high shares of solar photovoltaics.
MTEC Foundation Grant Awarded
Our project proposal “Strategizing Contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals” was accepted by the MTEC Foundation.
SusTec invites to a Research Seminar with Jonatan Pinkse
Thursday, 7 February 2019: How firm-level business models induce change in an industry logic: A case study of the Dutch electricity industry.
Review article on decentralized energy systems published
SusTec researchers have reviewed and compared decentralized energy systems both in literature and practice.
Sustainability Transitions Network with new chairman and board
SusTec researcher Jochen Markard was elected as the new chairman of the STRN network.