Opportunity to collaborate with SusTec
SusTec is working with companies to scale-up corporate contributions to the SDGs.

It is almost 2020! And that means there are only 10 years left to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Sustainability and Technology Group at ETH Zurich has developed a customizable process to work together with aspiring companies to accelerate their contributions to the SDGs based on 1 – 3 workshops with divisional managers and the CSR/ sustainability team.
Workshop 1 Identify Impacts & Ideas
The aim of the first workshop is to identify positive and negative impacts against the UN’s 17 SDGs. Then participants image new ideas of how the company might alleviate negative impacts and enhance contributions to the goals.
Workshop 2 Set New Targets & Strategize
Based on the analysis in the first workshop, the next step is to set measureable targets and a strategy aligned with the SDGs. This step involves making a plan to embed sustainability across the firm from operations to product development.
Workshop 3 Change Levers & Measure Results
Having a strategy is only half of the battle. After the strategy is set, participants will identify the potential levers of internal and external change to implement the new strategy. Then participants will develop processes to measure results and success.
Typically, the half-day workshops are 4 hours each and take place over a period of 4 months. During an initial meeting, we can customize the sequence of workshops together by considering to what extent the company has already integrated the SDGs. For example, companies that have mapped their impacts against the SDGs may wish to begin with workshop 2. Upon completion of the workshops, participating companies will have identified new business opportunities aligned with the goals and increased their sustainability ambitions. If you are interested in learning more about our workshops, please contact .