Joan Körner


Weinbergstrasse 56/58
Room WEV J 429
CH-​8092 Zurich


Joan is a master’s student in Management, Economics, and Technology at ETH Zurich. At SusTec, she will be using MANGOpol to investigate optimal policies to decarbonize the Swiss electricity sector. She is particularly interested in legal policies and their role in supporting the clean energy transition globally, as well as the use of AI to optimize energy production and consumption.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from University College London, with a minor in mathematics and machine learning. Her thesis focused on developing a deep learning algorithm for Speech Emotion Recognition and analyzing various pre-processing methods.

When she's not at her desk, Joan enjoys being outdoors or reading a good nonfiction book. Before moving to Switzerland, she was playing various team sports, but she has since discovered her enjoyment for hiking and running. This year, she's planning on learning how to surf, do a backflip (safely) on skis, and to improve her golf swing. She also never passes up a good political debate.

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