Organizations in Sustainability Transitions
At the 33rd EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen, SusTec co-organized a 3-day conference Sub-theme together with researchers from PennState University (Raghu Garud) and the University of Alberta (Joel Gehman).

At the 33rd EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen, SusTec co-organized a 3-day conference Sub-theme together with researchers from PennState University (Raghu Garud) and the University of Alberta (Joel Gehman).
The 9 sessions brought together more than 30 scholars from management studies and related disciplines to present recent research and discuss the challenges of sustainability transitions with a particular focus on the role of organizations. As a follow-up of this meeting, a special issue is planned and an email list of interested scholars was set up. For further information contact Download Jochen Markard.