SusTec Project “Energy turnaround and Technical Regulation (EnTeR)" has been approved to be funded

SusTec’s research project on "The role of technical regulations in the transformation of the building park and its integration into future energy system" will be founded by NFP70 and EnDK. It is focused on the question of how technical energy regulations (TER) developed over time in selected nations/regions, and how well they are suited to potential future trends in the building sector.
SusTec welcomes Petrissa Eckle as new head of sus.lab

Prior to sus.lab, Petrissa worked for 5 years in management consulting and 3 years as PostDoc at Paul-Scherer-Institute
How to Convince a Critical Reader in Six Sentences

Management Education needs students to think critically. But how to train your students' critical thinking skills? The six sentence argument (6SA) method focuses on enhancing critical thinking skills through structured writing and guided peer-review and involves several feedback loops.
Practitioner article on Multi-Energy-Hubs

In the course of the NRP70 project “IMES”, SusTec contributed and co-authored an article on Multi-Energy-Hubs, a special form of decentralized energy system.
Journal of Product and Innovation Management promotes SusTec researcher

Ann-Kristin Zobel’s article „Benefiting from Open Innovation: A Multi-Dimensional Model of Absorptive Capacity“ was invited by the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) to be promoted in form of a video abstract.
SusTec welcomes Christina Nakhle

Christina Nakhle has recently joined SusTec to support the group in two projects related to the building industry.
SusTec proposal “Towards A sustainable CircuLar Economy – Combining a material flow with a business and policy perspective” (TACLE) has been approved to be funded by NFP 73

SusTec research in this project focuses on an more detailed understanding of changes in industry and selected value chains that are facing change related to Circular Economy.
SusTec's Joern Hoppmann wins ONE Best Paper Award at Academy of Management Annual Meeting

SusTec's Joern Hoppmann has been awarded the Best Paper Award of the Division "Organization and the Natural Environment" at this year's Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Atlanta for his paper "Not My Business: How Cognitive Frames and Role Identities Influence Corporate Sustainability".
SusTec welcomes Allan Dahl Andersen

Allan Dahl Andersen is a research fellow at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture (TIK) at the University of Oslo, Norway. He is a visiting researcher as SusTec until end of September 2017.
Organizations in Sustainability Transitions

At the 33rd EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen, SusTec co-organized a 3-day conference Sub-theme together with researchers from PennState University (Raghu Garud) and the University of Alberta (Joel Gehman).
SusTec and the Sustainable Energy Initiative at Stanford Graduate School of Business co-host moderated panel discussion with industry leaders on Innovation in the Energy Industry

Bringing together a panel of top managers from four leading utilities from Switzerland (BKW), Origin Energy (Australia), EDP (Portugal), and Engie (France) and a diverse audience of approximately 45 academics, business leaders, policymakers, start-up executives and innovation experts, the event covered a variety of subjects all related to the "energy revolution" currently underway globally.
How does policy affect the size of residential solar PV systems and what does it mean for the energy transition?

A recently published article sheds light on this question based on a detailed techno-economic simulation and a comparison between two of the leading residential solar PV markets - California and Germany.
SusTec welcomes Agnieszka Rozniak and Marissa Saenger

Agnieszka and Marissa will support SusTec for the next months on two research projects.
10th Anniversary of the ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology: Exchange of Ideas on Innovation for Sustainability

An interdisciplinary group of 18 researchers from 10 different nations spent 5 exciting days in the Swiss Alps for the 10th annual scientific seminar on Innovation for Sustainability, hosted by SusTec.
Kathleen Eisenhardt (Stanford) to give a talk on strategy formation at ETH

Kathleen Eisenhardt, Professor for Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University will be visiting SusTec at the end of May. We have the pleasure of inviting you to a talk she will give at ETH based on her recent work with Timothy Ott.
Strong finish of SusTec team at SOLA 2017

With a total time of 9h 32min, the SusTec team successfully covered the running course of 116km finishing 219th overall.
Congratulations Dr. Jan Ossenbrink

We congratulate Jan Ossenbrink for successfully defending his doctoral dissertation titled: “How Policy Mixes Shape Technological Change and Organizational Learning in the Energy Sector - The Case of Distributed Energy Resources” on April 12th , 2017.
New article on sectoral knowledge creation for lithium-ion batteries published

Researchers from SusTec and the Energy Politics Group (EPG) have analysed how different sectors linked in a technology’s value chain can affect innovation processes. In their new paper published in Research Policy, they investigate knowledge creation processes in the lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology in Japan.
Nature Energy editorial mentions article co-authored by SusTec

The journal Nature Energy celebrated its first birthday with an editorial reviewing research highlights that appeared in their first year. One of the 14 papers mentioned is "Limiting the public cost of stationary battery deployment by combining applications" co-authored by researchers from ETH Zurich's SusTec and EPG.
SusTec featured in the official magazine of the Swiss Int. Air Lines

SusTec’s brave Samichlaus swimmers are featured in the February edition of the SWISS Magazine, the official magazine of Swiss International Air Lines.
Brokers could lower the risks in green power markets

Fanny Frei, PhD candidate at SusTec, has written an article discussing characteristics of green power markets that influence their success.
Peak Session of SCCER FEEB&D: Kick-off Phase II (2017-2020)

SusTec research on Future Energy Efficient Building & Districts (FEEB&D) continues in second phase.
Why energy forecasts often fail

Players in the energy industry and the policy domain often depend on forecasts. A closer look reveals that these predictions sometimes fall wide of the mark.