SusTec Project “Energy turnaround and Technical Regulation (EnTeR)" has been approved to be funded
SusTec’s research project on "The role of technical regulations in the transformation of the building park and its integration into future energy system" will be founded by NFP70 and EnDK. It is focused on the question of how technical energy regulations (TER) developed over time in selected nations/regions, and how well they are suited to potential future trends in the building sector.

Over the last decades TERs have been found to be very effective in reducing the energy demand of buildings, However, recent development of novel energy-efficient building technologies, complementary technologies (e.g. smart meters) and the integration of renewable energy generation renders the task to advance TERs crucially. In this project we investigate new methods, concepts and elements in the field of TER and evaluate how these are suitable for the decarbonisation of the Swiss building stock. More information can be found Download here.