SusTec replies to "Weltwoche"-article
SusTec researcher Bastien Girod demonstrates that solar power is by far more climate compatible than coal power

In response to a recent article titled "Climate Killer Solar Power" in the Swiss weekly magazine "Weltwoche", senior SusTec researcher Bastien Girod now published a reply titled "Climate Saver Solar Power" in the same magazine.
The original article had claimed that solar power was less climate friendly than coal-based electricity. Making use of thoroughly documented, publically available and peer-reviewed research results from ETH Zürich and other institutions, Bastien clears up the misconceptions in the earlier article, pointing to a number of outdated and incomprehensible assumptions as well as intransparent methodology. Pointing to the most recent Life-Cycle-Assessment Study, Bastien emphasizes how solar power is in fact 10 to 30 times more climate friendly than coal. Link to the article.