Investigating policy and regulatory tools to improve the profitability of V2G in Switzerland

Our new paper assesses the business case of small-scale electric vehicle-to-grid (V2G) aggregators in Switzerland.


Many researchers have shown the technical potential of V2G (also called bi-directional charging) to improve the integration of electric vehicles into the electricity grid. Yet, non-technical barriers related to acceptance, regulations, and profitability have prevented widespread deployment of V2G in practice.

In this paper, we ask how policymakers and regulators could improve the profitability of V2G for workplace aggregators in Switzerland to unlock its potential benefits for the grid. Our results show that a mix of new tariff designs, regulations on the price paid for discharged energy, and direct subsidies of V2G stations may be needed.

The paper was published in Energy Policy by SusTec Senior Researcher Siobhan Powell and former SusTec master’s student Daniel Andersen. For more details, you can find the full study Download here.

Dr. Powell presented the results of this paper and other ongoing work from the Download SWEET-PATHFNDR project at the Download VSE’s Fachtagung Elektromobilität on February 25th. The event offered a very valuable opportunity to connect with electricity distribution system operators directly involved in tariff design and working with V2G aggregators.


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