SusTec's Ricarda Fieber participates in Open-ended Expert Group Meeting in Thailand

Our PhD candidate Ricarda Fieber was nominated to participate in the Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Group Meeting for the Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations at the United Nations Conventions Centre in Bangkok, Thailand.


As a nominated expert, our PhD candidate Ricarda Fieber was able to participate in Expert Group 2, which focused on approaches to identify and analyze plastic products and chemicals of concern, and product design focusing on reusability and recyclability of plastic products.

At the fourth session (INC-4) of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) to develop a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution, the INC established two ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups, open to all Committee members and nominated technical resource persons. The two expert groups took place 24-28 August 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand and focused solely on technical matters.

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