Anita Ni


Anita joined Sustec in March 2021 to conduct her master thesis comparing single-use packaging with multi-use packaging in collaboration with Denner.

In her thesis, Anita assessed the feasibility of replacing single-use packaging by multi-use packaging in retail stores and analyse which conditions are necessary to bring such multi-use systems to the market.
Anita studied environmental engineering with a focus on recycling at RWTH Aachen and joined ETH Zurich in September 2020 through the Swiss European Mobility Program. She gained first working experience in planning waste recycling facilities during an internship at pbo Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH. Passionate about sustainability at universities, she became part of the Sustainability Week Zurich where she is responsible for higher education institution politics. Prior to her engagement in Switzerland, she co-founded the “Plattform Aachener Nachhaltigkeit e. V.” – an association that enables young people to transform their ideas into actions for sustainability. There she conducted workshops on how to reduce waste on an individual level – in her thesis she now approaches the topic from a systemic perspective. In her free time, Anita loves biking, running, hiking, cross-country skiing, and dancing.

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