Christian Niebuhr
Christian Niebuhr conducted his master's thesis Prof. Volker Hoffmann’s Chair of Sustainability and Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich 2012. In his master thesis, he investigates the cost of renewable energy technologies in Thailand in order to model technology specific feed-in tariffs. Different scenarios of diffusion will be considered.
Christian holds a diploma degree in Mechanical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and is now studying towards the diploma in business engineering. In the context of an exchange program supported by the German Academic Exchange Service, he spent an academic year at the University of California in Berkeley (USA).
Besides his studies, Christian gained practical experience in internships at Daimler Northeast Asia Ltd. (Beijing) and several mechanical engineering firms in Germany. During his studies, Christian was a research assistant at the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen. Christian holds a scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and the German National Academic Foundation. His visiting research at ETH Zurich is supported by the IDEA League network.