New Special Issue in Organization & Environment

Timo Busch and Jens Hamprecht from SusTec have published the article "Value(s) for Whom? Creating Value(s) for Stakeholders".
RDES Guidelines for successful Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES)

SusTec and HSLU researchers continue working on a collection of Guidelines for Renewable Decentralized Energy Systems (RDES).
SusTec welcomes Amanda as a Senior Researcher

Amanda Williams joins Prof. Volker Hoffmann's Group for Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) in October 2018 as a Senior Researcher.
Article on future energy storage systems in Swiss neighborhoods published

Researchers from Empa’s Urban Energy Systems Lab and SusTec have evaluated and compared different storage systems in Swiss neighborhood applications of decentralized energy systems from 2015 to 2050.
Sali Quentin Auzepy

We welcome Quentin, who has started writing his master’s thesis at SusTec this week.
New SNSF project granted

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) approved our project proposal "Unpacking pathways to corporate sustainability” for a three year funding period.