Daniel Wetterwald


Weinbergstrasse 56/58
Room WEV J 429
CH-​8092 Zurich


Daniel is a master’s student in the Science, Technology, and Policy program at ETH, focusing on energy and mobility. He is passionate about emerging decarbonization technologies and the role that the public sector can play in efficiently accelerating their development.

For his master’s thesis, Daniel will develop a cost calculator for renewable hydrogen production in Switzerland. He holds a BSc in Physics from ETH Zurich and has also spent a year studying International Affairs at the University of St. Gallen. Prior to starting his thesis, Daniel gained practical experience during an internship at Neustark, a carbon dioxide removal provider, where he focused on policy analysis, public funding proposals, and advocacy work.

In his free time, Daniel enjoys traveling, hiking, and experimenting with new tasty recipes to share with friends and family.

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